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Your wight on Earth's moon is 1_6 your weaght on Earth. If a person weighed 120 pounds on Earth, what would be his ar her wieght on the moon?

5-9 класс

бойся00 22 июня 2013 г., 8:52:45 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 июня 2013 г., 9:52:47 (10 лет назад)

1 pound = 453.5 gramm
Значит 120 пудов - это 54420 грамм
1 килограмм = 1000 грамм
Значит 54420 грамм - это 54.4 килограмма
Значит на поверхности луны вес составит: 9 килограмм!


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I always get up early.First,I 1)...... exercise for about half an hour and 2)....... a bath.Then, I 3)....... breakfast with the crew.After breakfast,we 4)...... the housework.My job is to clean the crews shoe.I am a biologist.I 5)........ jobs in the labaratory.I usually 6)..... a small lunch.After lunch,I usually 7)...... the wasing-up.I sometimes 8)..... on a space walk and 9)....... repairs to the station.In the evenings,I 10)...... phone calls to my friends or family on Earth.ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ

Underline the cjrrect item.

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2) there aren't some/any children in the garden.
3)there aren't some/any books on the desk
4)are there any/some chairs in the living room?
5) there's a/some table in the living room.
6)is there some/a cat under the table?
7)there are some/any students in the classroom.
8)is there some/an armchair in the living room?

2x√3-2√5=11√ 3-x√5 giving your answer in the form m-√15 where m is an integer


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2x√3-2√5=11√ 3-x√5 giving your answer in the form m-√15 where m is an integer


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