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Discuss the most famous people and their inventions and creations.

5-9 класс

ANOHИM 04 апр. 2014 г., 19:53:34 (10 лет назад)
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04 апр. 2014 г., 22:08:57 (10 лет назад)

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Решается моя оценка помогите пожалуйста

1 The TV reported the weather forecast?
2 Our parents didn't scould us?
3 The neighbourds returned our little puppy back?

Make up a sentence.

1. 1. the clouds 2. from 3. the sun 4. behind
5. appeared
A) 1,5,4,2,3 B)1,5,2,4,3
C)3,2,1,5,4 D) 3,5,4,2,1

2. 1. art galleries 2. is 3. for 4. London
5. its 6. famous 7. also
A) 4,2,7,6,3,5,1
B) 4,7,6,3,5,1,2

3. 1. you 2. must 3. as long as 4. live
5. go 6. you 7. learning 8. on

People like doing sports. Sport is very popular in many countries. It helps people to keep fit. Sport has advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, sport

helps me keep fit. Secondly, sport helps me form character. Thirdly, sport develop sport skills. some sports are very dangerous. sport causes a lot of injuries. I prefer doing sport and do it regularly. I think doing sport is very important for me .sport helps me to keep fit and to be strong. a sound mind in a sound body.какие есть ошибки?если есть исправьте.плиииз

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Write a letter to your English-speaking friend. Tell him/her about one of the most famous cities in Ukraine.

Start like this:

Thank you for your letter. In this letter. In this letter I'd like to tell you about one of the most famous historical cities in Ukraine. ........

Finish with:

Write me soon and inform me about ...... .

Сделайте задания по тексту! Вот текст! 1.Most people know all about Mickey Mouse.Mickey is the most famous cartoon charac

ter of all time but what about his father,Walt Disney?

2.Walt Rlias Disney was born on December 5th 1901 in Chicago,lllinois.He liked drawing from an early age and he sold his first skethes to his neighbours when he was only seven years old.In August 1923 he left for Hollywood.He had only $40 with him.His brother Roy lived in California and together they started the now famous Disney Brothers studio in their uncle's garage.

3.Walt created his most famous character Mickey Mouse in 1928.Mickey appeared in the first sound cartoon,Steamboat Willie the same year.Walt won the first of his 32 Academy Awards in 1932 for the film Flowers and Trees.Over the next five years Walt Disney made some of his most popular films,such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,Pinocchio,Fantasia,Dumbo and Bambi.He made 81 films in total while he was alive.

4.Walt Disney died in 1966.His work lives on today with each new generation enjoying his films and cartoons.

А вот задание сделайте его!

Walt Disney was born in...

A. the US B. the UK C. Australia

He sold his first drawing at the age of...

A. 10 B. 7 C 20

He made ... films while he was alive

A. 91 B.41 C. 81

He received .... Academy Awards in his lifitime

A. 2 B. 32 C.12

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Помогите!!! Надо сделать пересказ вот этого текста:Detective stories are the most popular type of stories in the world. But who is the most famous

fictional detective without doubt, it is Sherlock Holme The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories was Arthur Conan Doyle He was born in Scotland in 1859 and studied medicine at Edinburgh university. After leaving university he mined to the south of England and worked as a doctor, but in his spacetime he started to write detective stores he hero of the stories is a private detective called Sherlock Holmes, who lives at 22 lb Bake Street in London. There i is now a museum at that address(see http://www.sherlock- holmes coale Holmes is tall and thin, with a long sharp face He usually wears a deerstalker hat smokes a pipe or cigarettes and carries a magnifying glass. He is an extremely st intel gen man who always thinks logically about the crimes he is trying to solve He is also a brilliant violins however, he has a dark side to his character he is a one and rather ad man who is cash bored with everyday life. He often depressed and sometimes spends all day in bed. He is not married and says that he doesn't understand women Holmes lives with his assistant and only friend, Dr Watson Watson describes him in one of the stories as a brain without a heart, and more a machine than a man'. In 1895, after Conan Doyle had written 25 stories about Holmes, he got bored with his detective and decided that Holmes would die in the next story At the end of the story called The Final Problem, Holmes fights Professo Moriarty, his greatest enemy, by a huge waterfall in Switzerland They both die when they fall into the waterfall. But the Holmes stores were already incredibly popular and his fans were very upset.

Cрочно нужен перевод этого текста!The symbol of England is a red rose, and English people are crazy about gardening. A lot of families have pets. English

football is famous, of course, but there is another national sport too, cricket. Scotland is very famous for its beautiful scenery and the lakes called lochs. An important symbol of Scotland is a special kind of material called tartan. Another symbol of Scotland is the thistle. Another symbol of Wales is a vegetable called the leek. People wear them on their coats on St. David’s Day, the Welsh national holiday. Welsh people are famous for their singing and their musical festivals. The most famous symbol of Ireland is shamrock. In Ireland you may see different shades and tones of green. The Irish are famous for their playing, singing and dancing. Everyone who was born in Britain is British. People from England are the English. They are Scottish or the Scots; the Welsh and the Irish. People from Scotland and Wales don’t like when they are called the English. Everyone in Britain speaks English. But in some parts of Scotland and Wales people speak different languages as well. The Welsh are especially proud of their language. Everyone in the UK speaks English but they all speak it differently.

It is said that charity begins at home, and people in the UK О) seem to have put these words into practice. Their enthusiasm for helping others shows

in the 187,000 charity organizations that 1) in the country, Some of the most famous ones аге Oxfam, Age Concern, the RSPCA, the British Heart Foundation and Marie Curie Cancer Саге. People donate money to charity organizations or volunteer to . Help them 2) money. Many of these organizations run charity Shops, The first charity shop in the United Kingdom was established by Oxfam in Broad Street, Oxford. Oxfam has the Largest number of charity shops in the UK with З) 800 stores. Charity shops sell goods at very 4) prices. The items for sale аге usually second-hand and donated by members of the public. These 5) books, records, CDs, clothes, accessories, household items, furniture and costumes for 6) occasions such as Halloween. There аге bargains for 7) ! Some charity shops also sell new goods that аге somehow related to the cause they 8) In Oxfam stores, for example, you сап find fair trade food and. crafts. The staff who work at charity shops аге volunteers, so most of the profits from the sales 9) towards the charity. In the US, Where charity shops аге called thrift stores, this of shopping Is so 10) that it has got it's own word, it's called thrifting! переведите плиз

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