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Нужно найти ошибку помогите плиз

5-9 класс

Alenapopova99 27 марта 2014 г., 8:10:50 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 марта 2014 г., 9:35:52 (10 лет назад)

1.  Listen! He is asking you a question.
2.  It's the best poem I have ever learned.
3.  The box is under the chair, isn't it?
4.  Who often visits your friends?
5.  Jerry has been to Odessa, hasn't he?
6.  I never buy cassettes.
7.  I have never eaten such tasty apples.
8.   He enjoys reading short stories.
9.   I bought the ticket two days ago.
10.  When did you see the film?


Другие вопросы из категории

Make up a sentence.

1. 1. the clouds 2. from 3. the sun 4. behind
5. appeared
A) 1,5,4,2,3 B)1,5,2,4,3
C)3,2,1,5,4 D) 3,5,4,2,1

2. 1. art galleries 2. is 3. for 4. London
5. its 6. famous 7. also
A) 4,2,7,6,3,5,1
B) 4,7,6,3,5,1,2

3. 1. you 2. must 3. as long as 4. live
5. go 6. you 7. learning 8. on

People like doing sports. Sport is very popular in many countries. It helps people to keep fit. Sport has advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, sport

helps me keep fit. Secondly, sport helps me form character. Thirdly, sport develop sport skills. some sports are very dangerous. sport causes a lot of injuries. I prefer doing sport and do it regularly. I think doing sport is very important for me .sport helps me to keep fit and to be strong. a sound mind in a sound body.какие есть ошибки?если есть исправьте.плиииз

Мишина мама плохо знает английский язык. Она подготовила несколько нужных фраз для встречи Роба, но в некоторых предложениях сделала ошибки.

a) Read the sentences and correct the mistakes/
1. you sit down here can.
2. you can phone your mother.
3. we can go to the cinema.
4. can i help you how?
5. Misha show you your room can.
6. you undersand can Russian?
7. my husband take can your bags?
8. we take can you for a walk?
9. i cook can English food for you.
10. can`t my husband speak English.
11. you can call me Anna.
12. i call you Rob can?
b) Расставьте эти фразы в том порядке, в котором они употребляются, когда приезжает гость.

c) В каких фразах глагол can употреблён в значении мочь, уметь, а в каких - в значении разрешения?

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста) нужно найти ошибки в этих предложениях: 1)The students asked their teacher if they should have do any homework.

p>2)The teacher asked the class they wanted to do any homework.

3)The class said they will like to do a project on travel.

4)The teacher told to the students that they had all passed the exam.

5)One student said the teacher that he wanted to do a project on Scotland.

6)The teacher asked whether the student has any books about Scotland.

7)The student says he had not got any books on Scotland.

8)The teacher told she would bring the student a book the next day.

СРОЧНО!!! ПОМОГИТЕ!!! Нужно найти ошибки и исправить их.

1. I prepared dinner an hour ago.
2. We went to the cinema last week
3 They bought a new car.
Заранее благодарен)))

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