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Make up a sentence.

5-9 класс

1. 1. the clouds 2. from 3. the sun 4. behind
5. appeared
A) 1,5,4,2,3 B)1,5,2,4,3
C)3,2,1,5,4 D) 3,5,4,2,1

2. 1. art galleries 2. is 3. for 4. London
5. its 6. famous 7. also
A) 4,2,7,6,3,5,1
B) 4,7,6,3,5,1,2

3. 1. you 2. must 3. as long as 4. live
5. go 6. you 7. learning 8. on

380679671354 23 марта 2014 г., 5:40:57 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 марта 2014 г., 7:17:31 (10 лет назад)

1-e. The sun appeared from behind the clouds.
2-a. London is also famous for its art galleries.
3-a. You must go on learning as long as you live.

+ 0 -
23 марта 2014 г., 9:23:17 (10 лет назад)

1) 1. the clouds 5. appeared 2. from 4. behind 3. the sun   
B) 1,5,2,4,3


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Мишина мама плохо знает английский язык. Она подготовила несколько нужных фраз для встречи Роба, но в некоторых предложениях сделала ошибки.

a) Read the sentences and correct the mistakes/
1. you sit down here can.
2. you can phone your mother.
3. we can go to the cinema.
4. can i help you how?
5. Misha show you your room can.
6. you undersand can Russian?
7. my husband take can your bags?
8. we take can you for a walk?
9. i cook can English food for you.
10. can`t my husband speak English.
11. you can call me Anna.
12. i call you Rob can?
b) Расставьте эти фразы в том порядке, в котором они употребляются, когда приезжает гость.

c) В каких фразах глагол can употреблён в значении мочь, уметь, а в каких - в значении разрешения?

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What were Betsy and her friends doing at her birthday partu? Make upWhat were Betsy and her friends doing at her birthday partu? Make up one

sentence ouf of two.
1. Betsy s mother (set) the table with a birthday cake. Emily and Rich (have) tea with sandwiches._______________________________________________________________
2. Betsy s dad (scoose) a CD for musikal chairs. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a song to music______________________________________________
3. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a Happu Birthday sond. Betsy (listen) to them carefully.______________________________________________
4. Janet,Neil, Neiiy and Jennifer (play) pass the parcel. Tom (watch)the game with great interest.______________________________________________________________________
5. Mike (make) up birthday poem for betsy. the other children (have fun)________________

6. Betsy (have) a birthday party. Her grandparents and other relatives (call) her all the time/_________________________________________________________

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Помогите вставить пропуски! СРОЧНООО!

Olga wants to make up a good story about her holiday . Help Olgs shange her story . Think of a good endihg.
This April we went to Turkey to the Larmona Hotel. I liked it there ! We were ..... with the weather and the sea was ..... . Our room was ... and .... , ...... TV. The food in the restaurant ..... , the waiters .... andthe entertainment team ..... . There was a minizoo next to our hotel , so every day a cockerel woke us up at seven o'clock in the morning . It was very good because

Give English equivalents to these word combinations and make up true sentences with them.

1)мне показали
2)нам одолжили
3)им заплатили
4)ему сказали
5)мне предложили
6)вас просили
7)ей отказали
8)им отослали
9)ей дали
10)тебе разрешили
Пример: I was shown the new edition of William Shakespeare’s sonnets.

VARIANT 1 Task I. Вставьте нужный предлог: for, in, at, from, on, with. 1. He lives ___ the for


2. I like to play ___ my doll.

3. Mr. Rule is ___ England.

4. Children go to the park ___ Monday.

5. Dad drinks coffee ___ breakfast.

6. We do not go to school ___ Sundays.

Task II. Make up questions:

1. like, what, to, do, you, do?

2. where, you, like, do, play, to?

3. you, have, what, at, got, home?

4. Bob, a, ride, where, does, bike?

5. do, you, park, the, in, walk?

6. does, when, have, he, supper?

Task III. Make up questions:

1. Yes, they are. They are students.

2. No, I can not. I can not fly.

3. No, we do not. We do not read.

4. Yes, I am. I am a pupil.

5. Yes, he does. He draws well.

6. No, she has not. She has not got a pig.

7. No, they must not. They must not run.

Task IV. Make up negative sentences:

1. He can read.

2. She is sad.

3. I am a pupil.

4. They are students.

5. We have got a cat.

6. She has got an envelope.

7. Oleg runs well.

8. They go home.

9. I must sleep.

10. You may go.

Task V. Выберите правильный перевод словосочетания:

1. girls’ ball

a) мяч девочек; b) мяч девочки

2. boy’s stamps

a) марки мальчика; b) марки мальчиков

3. pupils’ pens

a) ручки учеников; b) ручки ученика

4. teacher’s pencil

a) карандаш учителя; b) карандаш учителей

Task VI. Выберите нужное слово: much (a), many (b).

1. honey 3. bag 5. sweet 7. orange 2. pencil 4. meat 6. soup 8. tea

Task VII. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

tomato, pen, child, tooth, woman, toy, sheep, family, wolf

Match the verbs on the left with words on the

right to the make phrases. Make up 8 sentences with these phrases.

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