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Dear boys and girls!

5-9 класс

Welcome to Panington Zoo, one of the oldest and largest of England’s parks. Our Zoo ………. in 1923. We have more than hundred …….. of wild animals ……… . About 70 ………. animals live at the Zoo now. We …….of the living things and give them the future.
Welcome to Panington Zoo! It’s worth visiting. Your visit will be …… .

Помогите надо вставить слова вот эти слова:

from all over the world, kinds, was founded, take care, endangered, full of fun

MalenaP 29 сент. 2013 г., 9:38:02 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 сент. 2013 г., 10:53:19 (10 лет назад)

1) was founded


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P.S. Упражнение b)

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Dear boys and girls!
Welcome to Panington Zoo, one of the oldest and largest of England 's parks. Our Zoo ..... in 1923. We have more than hundred ....... of wild animals ......... . About 70 ........ animals live at the Zoo now. We ....... the livinng things and give them the future they deserve.
Look at the Chilean flamingos! They are stretching their beauiful wings ........ . Here are Midas and Jamna, our pair of lions.
You can ....... our Volunteer Team who work all around the Zoo. They .......... of our ......... park.

Переведите пожалуйста!!! A) If you are a Year 11 student, no matter whether a boy or a girl, thinking about what direction to take

after school, or a Year 9 or 10 student considering your future goals, you will be making important decisions that will affect the rest of your life. We offer a great range of courses for Post Leaving Certificate and for about students. Students who successfully complete their studies at the College get the necessary qualifications to enter their chosen career or to continue their studies at the third level. The education is free, however, there are sums of money that students have to pay to attend all courses: for example, registration fees, examination fees. Students will be informed at interview about the specific prices of their chosen course. B) The School is set on the edge of an attractive market town almost in the centre of England. School House, the boarding residence, is set in an attractive Georgian house. The House is comfortably furnished and offers an attractive "family" atmosphere to boys aged between 11 and 19 years. Entry into School House is by interview, not examination, and the important criteria for selection are a willingness to live happily and study effectively in a society of boys. We have very competitive prices and, with a long and successful tradition of boarding, it is very often the case that too many people want to study here. All special diets are catered for. C) Our school is unique. It is a school for boys and girls aged from 7 to 18 years. Our boarding fees will be a little over &10,500 per year - that is about half what you would expect at a private school. This is a specialist Sports College. In addition to all the usual facilities for sport we have an indoor swimming pool and a Riding School. Boarding houses are organised to reflect the needs of each age group. Younger children live in Rank Weston House. Boarders aged from 11 to 13 have a separate house for boys and for girls. Older boys and girls live in Gatton Hall. All of the boarding Houses have been completely repaired in recent years. There is always a vegetarian option and other diets can be catered for by special arrangement. D) Our school is co-educational state secondary school, with almost 1400 pupils and students. About 1100 pupils between the ages of 11 and 16 study for their GCSE exams, with more than 300 students in our Sixth Form studying for A-Level exams. The school is accommodation is set around three buildings. Pupils in Years 9 to 11 are based in the main building in the town. The Sixth Form is based in the old girls high school buildings. Years 7 and 8 are based in a separate building. We want our pupils to work with business to develop our Specialist School status as a Maths and Computing College, and develop the skills to succeed in these and other fields.

Вставить слова в правильной форме Test 1. If you ask the question what your favourite animal is, almost every boy and girl will answer

without ____. (HESITATE) Now Earth Day is celebrated _____ around the Globe. (ANNUAL) Australia’s system of administration is based on the ____ tradition. (DEMOCRAT) Australia is ____ autonomous. (FULL She ordered everyone to leave her and went into the ____ alone. (DARK)

Test 2.

This scientific theory ___ (to prove) to be false. Unless he ____ (to sell ) more, he won’t get much commission. He is said ___ (to be) the best surgeon in this country. I wish I _____ (not/to try) to repair it. I only made it worse. I ____ (to shop) for clothes with my elder sister on Sunday.

Помогите разгадать кроссворд. 1 Pupils often go on it to practise geography, biology and history. 2 Many schools start their school day with it. 3 British

children have them at Christmas, in spring and in summer. 4 Look at the picture 5 It is a period of time, part of school year in Britain. 6 A mark that means "very good". 7 In these lessons pupils do different experiments.
по вертикали
8 A subject in which pupils practise painting, drawing and sculpture. 9 Short for Physical Education 10 It is Physics, Chemistry and Biology. 11 A club where children learn to perform. 12 Different questions to check pupils' knowledge. 13 An organisation for boys and girls that teaches them practical things. 14 It is a period of time between lessons

1)вопрос-Pupils often go on it to practise geography,biology and history.

2)вопрос-It is a period of time,part of a school year in Britain.
3)Вопрос-A club where children learn to perform.
4)вопрос-An organisation for boys and girls that teaches them practical things.Помогите ответить.

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