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1)вопрос-Pupils often go on it to practise geography,biology and history.

5-9 класс

2)вопрос-It is a period of time,part of a school year in Britain.
3)Вопрос-A club where children learn to perform.
4)вопрос-An organisation for boys and girls that teaches them practical things.Помогите ответить.

112111211121 16 марта 2014 г., 8:21:23 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 марта 2014 г., 9:20:18 (10 лет назад)

1 lesson

2 term

3 theatre

4 club 

+ 0 -
16 марта 2014 г., 12:12:55 (10 лет назад)




Другие вопросы из категории

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple ответы 1)they.....(go) to school when

they......(be)five years old.2)i.......(call)you before i...........(leave)for Paris.3)he....(write)a letter to her every day while he.......(be)at college.4)we........(do)our homework when we......(get)home.5)john.......(fix)the tap as soon as he .........(come)back from work.6)when.........(you/pack)your suitcase?7)i.......(not/do)anything until you ....(be)ready.8)when........(you/phone)me?9)i promise i.......(buy)you a present when i .........(return)from my holiday.10)when she ...........(pass)her driving test?she....(buy)a car.

Помогите пожалуйста!

Выберите лишнее слово в каждом ряду .

to sit / to drop / to throw / to get up
to shine /to spark/ to make/ to glitter
to suggest / to propose / to call / to offer
to run / to go / to hurry / to fly

Если не сложно помогите составить со всеми лишними словами предложение.

переведите пожалуйста
Подскажите пожалуйста, кто уже писал или просто знает. Написал ГИА по английскому сегодня.В части B писал слова без пробелов большими буквами.Сначала

спросил у организатора как надо(не я один такой был), он мне не ответил и ушел спрашивать.Вернулся через полчаса, когда уже все заполнили бланки, и сказал, что надо было писать без пробелов.Вопрос:засчитает ли мне это проверяющий компьютер?

Читайте также

Помогите разгадать кроссворд. 1 Pupils often go on it to practise geography, biology and history. 2 Many schools start their school day with it. 3 British

children have them at Christmas, in spring and in summer. 4 Look at the picture 5 It is a period of time, part of school year in Britain. 6 A mark that means "very good". 7 In these lessons pupils do different experiments.
по вертикали
8 A subject in which pupils practise painting, drawing and sculpture. 9 Short for Physical Education 10 It is Physics, Chemistry and Biology. 11 A club where children learn to perform. 12 Different questions to check pupils' knowledge. 13 An organisation for boys and girls that teaches them practical things. 14 It is a period of time between lessons

Введите свой Упражнение 5Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или Future Simple.1. It (to be) cold in autumn.

It often (to rain). A cold wind often (to blow). 2. The weather (to be) fine today. It (to be) warm, the sun (to shine) brightly. A soft wind (to blow) Small white clouds (to sail) in the sky. 3. Don't go out: it (to rain) heavily. 4. Take your raincoat with you. I am afraid it (to rain) in the evening and you (to get) wet through if you (not to put) on your raincoat. 5. Every spring birds (to come) to our garden and (to sing) in the trees. 6. Listen! Somebody (to sing) in the next room. 7. It usually (not to snow) at this time of the year. 8. What the weather (to be) like now? It (to snow)? - No, it ... . 9. We (to go) out of town to ski on Sunday? - Yes, we ... if it (to snow) this week and if there (to be) a lot of snow everywhere. 10. What you (to do) tomorrow? - We (to go) out of town if the weather (not to change) for the worse. You (to come) with us? - With pleasure, if only I (not to have) too much work to do at home. 11. If we (to have) televisions at our supermarket, they (to inform) customers about things in the store. 12. If we (to play) music, it (to produce) the right atmosphere. 13. If we (to put) in cameras, they (to stop) people stealing things. 14. If we (to employ) more assistants, they (to help) our customers.

Have you ever been happy at school?

Some children can say that they have been happy at school. Some can't. Some children like the school the first day they come into the building. They see friends in their teachers. Some children like big schools where they can hide from others. For some children it is extremely important to get a very good education as they are going to enter the university. The most valuable quality in teachers and schools for them is knowledge and possibility to teach. Others think that relationship between children are more important. Altogether there are many factors which can make you happy or unhappy at school.Our school has everything for the pupils. In our computer lab there are ten computers, and we can use them after lessons to prepare our papers and reports.The walls are blue in my school. I have read that this colour helps pupils concentrate. In every classroom you can see flowers and posters on the walls, nice curtains on the windows. All this makes our school beautiful.My favourite school subjects are Russian and Russian Literature because I like the teachers, but also because it helpsme understand our history. It is interestingto learn about our language, and how it changed. I also want to write correctly. ButI'm not very good at physics and chemistry. It is difficult for me to memorizeand use formulas.Our teachers offer us many interesting activities: we stage plays in ourschool theatre, visit theatres together, make posters and wall newspapers. We also often go on excursions to many interesting places with our teacher of history, who is our form master. My friendsand I have been to Novgorod, Ladoga, and Pushkinskye Gory this year.My friends study at the same school. We go to school together. It is fun! Our class is very friendly. I usually invite allclassmates to my birthday parties. We help each other with difficult subjects and borrow books from each other. During the breaks we speak about everything in the world and share all our secrets. It is great to have so many friends.That is why I can say that I have been happy at school.
Questions:1. What kind of school did you go to?
2. What equipment does your school have?
3. How many floors are there in your school?
4. What are your favourite subjects? Why?
5. What subjects do you dislike? Why?
6. How many lessons did you usually have?
7. Were your classmates friendly?
8. Did you like your school?
9. Did you change schools?
10. Was there a strict discipline in your school?
11. What exams did you take at school?

If it (to rain) tomorrow, our game will be cancelled. 2. If a dog (to bite) in her leg, she would go straight to hospital. 3. If he had known it was

going to rain, he (to take) his umbrella to work today. 4. If she hadn't missed the bus, she (not to be) late for work. 5. If I (to live) two hundreds years ago, I couldn't have spoken on the telephone. 6. If my daughter did her homework carefully, she (to get) much better marks. She's really a smart little girl. 7. If his friend (to be) in the mood to see a film, they would have gone to the cinema last night. 8. If my cactus plant (not to have) a rare disease, it wouldn't have died. 9. If they had remembered your address, they (to send) you a postcard. 10. If Tom saw a car crash, he (to telephone) the police and (to help) the people in the cars. 11. If you are not sure, what to say, you (to have) to guess. 12. If she (not to be) very ill, she wouldn't have been absent from English classes all last week. 13. If my parents had had good seats, they (to enjoy) the play last night. 14. If a robber (to attack) in a dark street, he would defend himself. 15. If he hadn't been so careless, he (not to fall) into this trap. 16. If you (not to smoke) , you would feel more energetic. 17. If her alarm clock (to ring) , she would have been on time for work this morning.

1. If it (rain) this weekend, we (not be able) to go to the country. 2. Give me Ann’s letter. If I (see) her, I (give) it to her. 3. I have to work

hard, so I’m very busy. But if I (have) any free time, I (go) in for swimming. 4. If I (be) taller, I (can) play basketball. But I’m too short. 5. Please stop talking! If you (not start) your meal now; it (go) cold. 6. If you (have) any problems, let me know and I (help) you. 7. You’re a wonderful cook! If I (can) cook as well as you, I (open) a restaurant. 8. We must hurry! If he (be) late, we (leave) without him. 9. He (have) a day off tomorrow if he (work) hard today? 10. That coat looks awful! I (not buy) it if I (be) you. 11. I think there are too many cars. If there (not be) so many cars, there (not be) so much pollution. 12. It’s a pity I’m not rich. If I (be) rich, I (have) a yacht. 13. I’m going out now. If anybody (phone) while I (be) out, can you take a message? 14. This soup isn’t very good. It (taste) better if it (not be) so salty. 15. ‘What shall we do tomorrow?’ ‘Well, if it (be) a nice day, we (not stay) at home.’ 16. Liz is tired all the time. If she (not go) to bed so late, she (not be) tired. 17. You were rude to Mike. If I (be) you, I (apologize). 18. We’re lost. If we (have) the map with us, we (know) where we are. 19. If I still (feel) sick, I (not go) on holiday next weekend. 20. I don’t get any help at work. My job (be) easier if I (have) a secretary.

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