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Переведите текс и ответе на вопросы One grey morning Lena woke up but she couldn,t open her eyes. Her whole body hurt and she had a sore throat. It was war

1-4 класс

m in the room, but her feet felt as cold as ice. Lena looked at the clock -it was about nine o,clock. Lena didn,t want to get up. Her mum came into the room, "Happy birthday, honey! Why are you still in bed, dear? What,s the matter? Are you OK? Breakfast is ready. You,ve got a lot to do. We,ve got your birthday party this afternoon, haven,t we?" Mum opened the curtains. It was cold and rainy outside. Lena couldn,t even think about the party and the cake. "Sorry, Mum, but I,d better stay in bed. And could you bring me some tea,please?" Mum came up to her and took her temperature. Then, she sad, "OK, I,ll bring you some hot lemon tea. It,ll make you fell much better." Lena was sad. It was a pity to fall ill on her birthday.And now she won,t be able to go to her own party,will she? Lena sighed and fell asleep..

Сергей199717 09 сент. 2014 г., 19:00:32 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 сент. 2014 г., 20:16:35 (9 лет назад)

Одним серым утром Лена проснулась, но не могла открыть глаза. Все сё тело болело и горло тоже. В комнате было тепло, но ее ноги были холодными как лсд. Лена посмотрела на часы — было около 9 утра. Она не хотела вставать.В комнату вошла мама: «С днем рождение, золотце! Почему ты еще в кровати, дорогая? Что случилось? Все в порядке? Завтрак готов. Тебе нужно многое сделать. У пас сегодня вечеринка по случаю твоего дня рождения. не так ли?», — мама открыла шторы. Па улице было сыро и холодно. Лена и подумать не могла о вечеринке и праздничном торте.«Прости, мам. но я лучше останусь в кровати. И могла бы ты принести мне чаю?» Мама подошла к девочке и измерила температуру. Потом она сказала: «Хорошо, я принесу тебе горячего чаю с лимоном. Тебе от этого станет гораздо лучше». Лена была расстроена. Было обидно заболеть на свой день рождения. А теперь она не сможет пойти на свою собственную вечеринку, ведь правда?Лена вздохнула и погрузилась в сон...


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2 клас. допоможiть написати за зразком. на першому малюнку зображиний хлопчик читае книгу, а пiд ним лижить дитина з книгою. На 2 картинi бiлi коси в

дiвчинки, а пiд нею дiвчинка з чорними кiсьми. На 3 малюнку хлопчик тримае воздушний шар, а пiд ним вiнiпух тримае здутого шарика i бiля нього стоить пятачок ЗРАЗОК 1 Tom can read. The baby cant read. 2 She has got fair hair.-------------------------. 3 I have got a balloon.----------------------.

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One grey morning Lena woke up but she couldn,t open her eyes. Her whole body hurt and she had a sore throat. It was warm in the room, but her feet felt

as cold as ice. Lena looked at the clock -it was about nine o,clock. Lena didn,t want to get up.

Her mum came into the room, "Happy birthday, honey! Why are you still in bed, dear? What,s the matter? Are you OK? Breakfast is ready. You,ve got a lot to do. We,ve got your birthday party this afternoon, haven,t we?" Mum opened the curtains. It was cold and rainy outside. Lena couldn,t even think about the party and the cake. "Sorry, Mum, but I,d better stay in bed. And could you bring me some tea,please?" Mum came up to her and took her temperature. Then, she sad, "OK, I,ll bring you some hot lemon tea. It,ll make you fell much better." Lena was sad. It was a pity to fall ill on her birthday.And now she won,t be able to go to her own party,will she? Lena sighed and fell asleep... Придумать продолжение истории со словами:phone/visit friend,wake up,fell fine/better/bad,be happy,arrange another date and time,be resposible for,fall asleep and have a nice dream,Get well soon!

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Выбрать и написать ответы на вопросы

Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn't.Yes,they are.No,they aren't
.1)Is Sam drinking juice? да
2)Are the children playing? нет
3)Is Ann washing the cup? нет
4)Are they eating apples? да
как написать ответы на английском

Выбрать и написать ответы на вопросы

Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn't.Yes,they are.No,they aren't
.1)Is Sam drinking juice? Да
2)Are the children playing?Нет
3)Is Ann washing the cup? Нет
4)Are they eating apples?Да
Как написать ответы на английском?

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. One Saturday evening it was very cold and rainy. We stayed at home. My mum cleaned the rooms. My granny cooked the

dinner. I helped her and laid the table. My dad repaired the clock. Only my little sister Becky had nothing to do (ей нечем было заняться). She didn't want to play with her dolls or play puzzles. She was sad. She wanted to go for a walk. My mum said: "I'll give you my scissors (ножницы) and you can cut out (вырезать) pictures." My mum gave her many old magazines (журналы). Becky cut out a nice doll, a big car, a funny teddy bear and a tall house. She liked to cut pictures.Then Becky saw a box with a new mum's dress. Yesterday my mum bought this dress in the shop. It was beautiful, with nice blue flowers on it. Becky wanted to cut out only one flower. She did so! "It's wonderful!" she said. Becky liked it and began to cut out more flowers.Suddenly my mum came in. She was angry. She said: "That was my new dress! I won't give you the scissors anymore again!" And she didn't.Next day mum made two long scarfs with nice blue flowers on them for Becky and me.1. Выбери правильные ответы на вопросы.1) Why was Becky sad?a) She wanted to play puzzles.b) She wanted to go for a walk.c) She wanted to lay the table.2) Why was mum angry?a) Becky cut out flowers of her dress.b) Becky cut out a car of the magazine.c) Becky wanted to go for a walk.

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