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One grey morning Lena woke up but she couldn,t open her eyes. Her whole body hurt and she had a sore throat. It was warm in the room, but her feet felt

1-4 класс

as cold as ice. Lena looked at the clock -it was about nine o,clock. Lena didn,t want to get up.

Her mum came into the room, "Happy birthday, honey! Why are you still in bed, dear? What,s the matter? Are you OK? Breakfast is ready. You,ve got a lot to do. We,ve got your birthday party this afternoon, haven,t we?" Mum opened the curtains. It was cold and rainy outside. Lena couldn,t even think about the party and the cake. "Sorry, Mum, but I,d better stay in bed. And could you bring me some tea,please?" Mum came up to her and took her temperature. Then, she sad, "OK, I,ll bring you some hot lemon tea. It,ll make you fell much better." Lena was sad. It was a pity to fall ill on her birthday.And now she won,t be able to go to her own party,will she? Lena sighed and fell asleep... Придумать продолжение истории со словами:phone/visit friend,wake up,fell fine/better/bad,be happy,arrange another date and time,be resposible for,fall asleep and have a nice dream,Get well soon!

Lion16 06 янв. 2015 г., 5:41:27 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 янв. 2015 г., 7:41:11 (9 лет назад)

Suddenly, her friend phoned and said that he wants to visit Lena. She woke up and felt better. She was happy with him. Lena wanted to go to the party indeed but she was ill. So she arranged another date of the party. Then she fell asleep. "Have a nice dream!, - said her friend, - get well soon!"



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Напишите предложение в отрицательном и вопросительном виде.

1) I have watered the trees in my garden.
2) My little brother has washed up.
3) My granny has cleaned the carpet.
4) He has locked his car.
5) My friends have shopped in Oxford Street.

Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения. Помогите пожалуйста.

1 a/twice/I/cinema/the/go/to/month.
2 do/How/play/computer/you/often/games.
3 sister/doesn't/My/wear/a uniform/have to.
4 it/What/is/time?
5 reads/dad/My/newspaper/always/a/the/morning/in.
6 quarter/to/it's/twelve.

my friend usually plays football. but today he is ... . i usually drink milk but i sometimes drink tea. i am ... now. my friend always starts doing his

homework at 3 o*clock. it is 4 o*clock now. he is ... . i never eat pease soup. i am ... now.

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Переведите текс и ответе на вопросы One grey morning Lena woke up but she couldn,t open her eyes. Her whole body hurt and she had a sore throat. It was war

m in the room, but her feet felt as cold as ice. Lena looked at the clock -it was about nine o,clock. Lena didn,t want to get up. Her mum came into the room, "Happy birthday, honey! Why are you still in bed, dear? What,s the matter? Are you OK? Breakfast is ready. You,ve got a lot to do. We,ve got your birthday party this afternoon, haven,t we?" Mum opened the curtains. It was cold and rainy outside. Lena couldn,t even think about the party and the cake. "Sorry, Mum, but I,d better stay in bed. And could you bring me some tea,please?" Mum came up to her and took her temperature. Then, she sad, "OK, I,ll bring you some hot lemon tea. It,ll make you fell much better." Lena was sad. It was a pity to fall ill on her birthday.And now she won,t be able to go to her own party,will she? Lena sighed and fell asleep..

He had a sore throat. It was warm in the room, but her feet felt as cold as ice. Lena looked at the clock -it was about nine o,clock. Lena didn,t want to

get up. Her mum came into the room, "Happy birthday, honey! Why are you still in bed, dear? What,s the matter? Are you OK? Breakfast is ready. You,ve got a lot to do. We,ve got your birthday party this afternoon, haven,t we?" Mum opened the curtains. It was cold and rainy outside. Lena couldn,t even think about the party and the cake. "Sorry, Mum, but I,d better stay in bed. And could you bring me some tea,please?" Mum came up to her and took her temperature. Then, she sad, "OK, I,ll bring you some hot lemon tea. It,ll make you fell much better." Lena was sad. It was a pity to fall ill on her birthday.And now she won,t be able to go to her own party,will she? Lena sighed and fell asleep. to wake up (woke) to hurt (hurt) a body to have a sore throat to fall ill

перевести, But when their mothers said night to them and went away, they got up, dressed quicly and went out into the street.

They walked to Town. In half an hour they were in the forest. It was late in the evening, but it was not very dark, because the moon was high up in the sky.
They walked, and walked, and walked. They passed by a lake, a large field and high hills
When they came to Town it was night. There was nobody in the streets. There were no lights in the houses.
At last they came to Mr. Shillings shop. All the doors and windows were closed. How could they get into the house? Then Rufty Tufty had an idea!
"The chimney" he said. "We can get into the house through the chimney!"

1lena stayed in bed in the morning because.... a)she didn"t want to get up early b)she didn"t feel well c)she didn"t have to go to


2 lena"s mother decided to bring her lemon tea becouse....

a) lena had summer holidays

b)lena had a lot to do

c)lena had a sore throat


помогите пожалуйста очень надо

заранее спасибо

Найди в рассказе об Анином выходном глаголов-дракош в плащах.

Правильные глаголы: Без плаща, в плаще.
Неправильные глаголы: Без плаща, в плаще.

Ann and I had a very nice day yesterday. It was Sunday and her Mum and Dad were at home. She got up late, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She went to the kitchen and helped her mother cook breakfast. They had breakfast together. The day started as usual, but then Ann's father had an idea. He said, "We must go for a walk." "But I wanted to buy new clothes," the mother said. "And I wanted to ride on the London Eye," Ann said. "We can go to the city centre and do all these things," said the father. And they went to the city centre and bought new clothes for Mum and Ann. After that they rode on the London Eye and walked in the park.
At 2 p.m. Ann said, "I'm hungry." "I know a very interesting cafe," I said to Ann. "But you must close your eyes. Don't look. It's a surprise." Ann and her parents closed their eyes and went into the cafe. They heard the sounds of water and rain, a monkey cried, a lion roared. They opened their eyes - they were in the rainforest. They saw green trees and funny toy animals. It was winter in the street, but in that cafe it was summer. The food was interesting too. They had Rainforest Soup, a Flying Dragon pizza and a sweet chocolate Volcano. I had a piece of Ann's pizza. I don't like sweet things.
Ann really liked the cafe and her father bought her a small toy elephant in the souvenir shop.

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