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What is Jane going to do next week Write it down. Use: to arrange her birthday, to clean her flat, to visit her dentist, to arrange flowers in her room,

1-4 класс

to visit her sick friend, to write invitations for her birthday party, to have her hair cut

Львица5678 31 окт. 2014 г., 12:43:55 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 окт. 2014 г., 14:18:21 (9 лет назад)

Jane is going to arrange her birthday next week.
Jane is going to clean her flat next week.
Jane is going to visit her dentist next week.
Jane is going to arrange flowers in her room next week.
Jane is going to visit her sick friend next week.
Jane is going to write invitations for her birthday party next week.
Jane is going to have her hair cut next week.

+ 0 -
31 окт. 2014 г., 16:49:50 (9 лет назад)

Jane is going to arrange her birthday next week.
Jane is going to clean her flat next week.
Jane is going to visit her dentist next week.
Jane is going to arrange flowers in her room next week.
Jane is going to visit her sick friend next week.
Jane is going to write invitations for her birthday party next week.
Jane is going to have her hair cut next week.

+ 0 -
31 окт. 2014 г., 17:26:13 (9 лет назад)

а что сделать?


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Dear Masha! I am so happy! My father is going to take us to Moscow! He ... going to work there. And we ... looking forward to seeing you again. Now I

...packing my things. Mum ... helping me. Tom ... playing football with his friends. Dad ... working in his office. We ... leaving London for Moscow on the 10th of September. Dad says we ... going to live in a hotel not far from the centre. What places of interest ... you think we can see in Moscow? How ... you? How ... you spend your summer holidays? Best wishes, Ann. 1. a) Read Ann's letter and say why she is happi. b) Fill in the blanks with necessary words. 2. Read the letter again and answer the guestions. 1) Where is Ann's father going to take his family? 2) What is he going to do there? 3) What is Ann doing now? 4) Who is helping her? 5) What is Tom doing? 6) When are they leaving for Moscow? 7) Where are they going to live there?

Dear Masha! I am so happy! My father is going to take us to Moscow! He ... going to work there. And we ... looking forward to seeing you again. Now I

...packing my things. Mum ... helping me. Tom ... playing football with his friends. Dad ... working in his office. We ... leaving London for Moscow on the 10th of September. Dad says we ... going to live in a hotel not far from the centre. What places of interest ... you think we can see in Moscow? How ... you? How ... you spend your summer holidays? Best wishes, Ann.
1) Where is Ann's father going to take his family? 2) What is he going to do there? 3) What is Ann doing now? 4) Who is helping her? 5) What is Tom doing? 6) When are they leaving for Moscow? 7) Where are they going to live there?
Как правильно ответить на английском языке на поставленные вопросы? Ответ в тексте.

ответы на вопросы; 1) what is your pet doing at the moment? 2) Is it raining now? 3) Where are yon sitting? 4) What are yon looking at? 5) What yon

writing with? 6) What are yon going to do after yon finish this exercise?

Write down your answers. 1. What are you doing?-..............2. What is your pet doing at the moment?-............3. Is it raining now?-............4.

Where are you sitting?-......5. What are you looking at?-........6. What are you writing with?-......7. What are you going to do after you finish this exercise?-...........

1. Write a letter to your friend. Write what you are going to do in summer. ( мальчик пишет другу) . 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the

box. ( isn't, aren't, wasn't, weren't, don't, doesn't, didn't. ) 1) We _______ going to travel in France this summer. 2) He ________ want to go camping last week. 3) Tom _________ going to visit his Granny last year. 4) She ______ travelling about Scotland now. 5) My friends ____________ like camping. 6) Her children __________ at the Zoo last week. 7) My brother __________ visit our parents every week.

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