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Dear Masha! I am so happy! My father is going to take us to Moscow! He ... going to work there. And we ... looking forward to seeing you again. Now I

1-4 класс

...packing my things. Mum ... helping me. Tom ... playing football with his friends. Dad ... working in his office. We ... leaving London for Moscow on the 10th of September. Dad says we ... going to live in a hotel not far from the centre. What places of interest ... you think we can see in Moscow? How ... you? How ... you spend your summer holidays? Best wishes, Ann.
1) Where is Ann's father going to take his family? 2) What is he going to do there? 3) What is Ann doing now? 4) Who is helping her? 5) What is Tom doing? 6) When are they leaving for Moscow? 7) Where are they going to live there?
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ильзироук 27 мая 2013 г., 18:49:24 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 мая 2013 г., 20:45:22 (11 лет назад)

1) He is going to take them to Moscow. 
2) They are going to see interesting places in Moscow. 
3) She is packing her things. 
4) Her mum is helping her. 
5) Tom is playing football with his friends.
6) They're leaving Moscow for it.
7) They are going to live in a hotel.


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Поставить слова в правильном порядке для получения предложения
Like, I, to meet, Mr. Brown, with, office, in the

Мой ответ: I like to meet Mr. Brown in the office.

Исправь ошибки- убери лишнее слово

1. Excuse me, where's is the hospital?
2. It's quarter past eleven o'clock.
3. I am don't have to go to school on Saturday.
4. He has violin lessons twice times a week
Народ, помогите я сейчас к репетитору иду она меня убьёт, ну пожалуйста!!!!!!!

какой перевод у слов

lot ,grey

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Dear Masha! I am so happy! My father is going to take us to Moscow! He ... going to work there. And we ... looking forward to seeing you again. Now I

...packing my things. Mum ... helping me. Tom ... playing football with his friends. Dad ... working in his office. We ... leaving London for Moscow on the 10th of September. Dad says we ... going to live in a hotel not far from the centre. What places of interest ... you think we can see in Moscow? How ... you? How ... you spend your summer holidays? Best wishes, Ann. 1. a) Read Ann's letter and say why she is happi. b) Fill in the blanks with necessary words. 2. Read the letter again and answer the guestions. 1) Where is Ann's father going to take his family? 2) What is he going to do there? 3) What is Ann doing now? 4) Who is helping her? 5) What is Tom doing? 6) When are they leaving for Moscow? 7) Where are they going to live there?

Переведите только не по переводчику,правильно!

Monday,September 4.
Dear Masha!
l am so happy! My fatner is going to take us to Moscow!
He ... going to work there. And we ... looking forward to seeing you again.Now l ... packing my things. Mum ... helping me. Tom ... playng football with his friends. Dad workng in his office.
We ... leaving London for Moscow on the 10th of September. Dad says we ... going to like in a hotel not far from the centre. What placer of interest .. you think we can see in Moscow? How .. you? How .. you spend yous summer holidays?
Best wishes,Ann.

My father is a responsible. My mother is a kind.

My father is responsible. My mother is kind.
Как будет правильно с а или без а. Объясните, пожалуйста в каких случаях ее надо ставить.

Заполнить пропуски. Hello, my friend! My name is Sally. I am seven. I am from Africa. I have got a large family. I've got a

mother, a father, three sisters and two brothers. My father's parents live with us. They have got four sons and two daughters. So I have got three ______, three uncles and two aunts. How I love them all!

Last Saturday ,my father and i walked to a small fishing village.There was a café there and we stopped for a rest.A man sailed by in a small fishing

boat.My father shouted:'I hope you catch a fish!'Suddenly a big fish jmped out of the water and onto the man's hat! The man was very surprised and my father and i both layghed .Then,the man tried to pisk up the fish but it dived bask in the water.'I wanted to catch a fish ,'he shouted to us, ' I didn't want a fish to catch me!'It was very funny!

переведите и чтобы не одно слово не было на английском


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