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Look,read and match the descriptions of the people with the pictures. 1)He is quite short and handsome.He has got very short, fair hair and

1-4 класс

brown eyes.He has got freckles. 2)He is short and slim .He has got straight, fair hair and green eyes.He hasn't got freckle. 3)He is tall and thin.He has got curly hair and blue eyes.He is wearing glasses.

Krotkix2014 30 янв. 2014 г., 18:58:33 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 янв. 2014 г., 20:06:36 (10 лет назад)

Where is the pictures.I can not do this without them.


Другие вопросы из категории

поставь глаголы ,данные в скобках,в past simple или present perfect:

1)i .......(take up) the sport when i .....(be)at school;
2)i still remember the first time i......(try)to ski;
3)i ......(slip)on the ice and ......(break my ancle;
4)last year ,i ...(try)ice-skatingfor the very first time;
5)i.....(slip)on the ice ring a couple of times since then but i haven^t broken anything;
6)i......(not/like)it because i found it a little dangerous;
7)i.....(not/play) ice-hochey yet


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Помогите пожалуйста срочно нужно.

Look,read and complete the sentencese.Use this or that.
1 This is my book.
2......is my hat.
3......is my aeroplane.
4.....is my scool.
5......is my desk.
6......is my umbrella.
7......is my shoolbag.
8......is my pencil case.
Спасибо большое заранее.

Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person's character, from

his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It's a wonderful way of spending spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The book is faithful and understanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. There are books which have been our favourites since childhood.

People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Some people developed much time to reading books and reading becomes their free time occupation, their passion. Through out the centuries books had an enormous influence on the minds and hearts of people. Books bind together ages, personalities. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries and ages. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings. The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It helps people achieve understanding, trust, cooperation and friendship. Books awaken the young reader's imagination. They develop literary taste, arouse interest and curiosity, the reader's laugher as well as his tears. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest decisive, conscientious, frank, firm, fair and serious
Перевести текст точно,контрольная по нему будет

Ann: Welcome to london,everyone! We are going to your host families now. Look out the window! I want to tell you a few words about the capital of great

britain london is largest city in Europe. Over 7 million people live in it. And it`s one of the most famous and interesting cities in the world. There are lots of places to visit:different museums,theatres,and IMAX cinema. London has got many places just for fun too:the london eye,the london zoo and many lovely parks and squares.
Dima:There are also many stadiums in london,aren't there?
Ann:Yes. There are. London is the host of summer olympic games 2012 There is a big olympic park in london.
Lena: Fantastic! There is so much to see and learn!
Katya: Great! We are going to spend two weeks in Great Britain.
Ann: Barbara and her students are looking forward to seeing you. They have have arranged and interesting social programme for you.
Перевод пожалуйста! СРОЧНО!

Who says what? Look, read and match. a. I wear a uniform. I serve food and drinks. b. I wear a white uniform. I help sick people.

c. I carry a big bag. A take letters to people's houses.

d. I sell fruit and vegetables.

e. I bake bread and make cakes.

f. I work in a garage. I fix cars


basketball game 7:30
Sues birthday party 9:15
guitar lesson 6:45

1.What time is the basketball game?
2. what time is Sues birthday party?
3. What time is the guitar lesson?

a) At half past seven.
b)At quarter to seven.
c)At quarter past nine.

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