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Who says what? Look, read and match. a. I wear a uniform. I serve food and drinks. b. I wear a white uniform. I help sick people.

1-4 класс

c. I carry a big bag. A take letters to people's houses.

d. I sell fruit and vegetables.

e. I bake bread and make cakes.

f. I work in a garage. I fix cars

Alena1984107 13 нояб. 2014 г., 0:25:59 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 нояб. 2014 г., 2:36:37 (9 лет назад)

a I am a waiter.

b I am a doctor.

c I am a postman.

d  I am a greengroser

e I am a baker.












+ 0 -
13 нояб. 2014 г., 5:21:22 (9 лет назад)

вроде бы  d. e. f. )))))))))))))


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10 придложений опиши свою квартиру по англискому Мы живём на 1 этаже.У нас одна комната.Слева есть большой шкаф.Возле него стенка в нём стоит

телевизор.справа диван а взле стенки стоит стол возле дивана машинка и холодильник

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переведите на английский язык слова:


Читайте также

Look,read and match the descriptions of the people with the pictures. 1)He is quite short and handsome.He has got very short, fair hair and

brown eyes.He has got freckles. 2)He is short and slim .He has got straight, fair hair and green eyes.He hasn't got freckle. 3)He is tall and thin.He has got curly hair and blue eyes.He is wearing glasses.


basketball game 7:30
Sues birthday party 9:15
guitar lesson 6:45

1.What time is the basketball game?
2. what time is Sues birthday party?
3. What time is the guitar lesson?

a) At half past seven.
b)At quarter to seven.
c)At quarter past nine.

А домашка такая:

Look, read and match. (20 points)
1) Soccer match 5.15
2) Volleyball match 1.15
3) Piano lesson 8.30
4) jenny's party 9.45
и даются вопросы: What time is jenny's party? и к каждому такие вопросики.
Так-же есть ответы:
a) At quartet past one
b) At quartet past five
c) At quartet to ten
d) At half past eight пожалуйста помогите! !! !!!

ответь на вопросы соединив словосочетания

Look?read and match.
soccer match5.15
volleyball match 1.15
piano lesson 8.30
Jenys party 9.45

1.What time is Jennys party?
2.What time is the soccer match?
3.What time is the piano lesson?
4.What time is the volleyball match?

a. At quarter past one.
b. At quarter past five.
c. At quarter to ten.
d. At half past eight.

LooK, read and write

This is a story about a 1)................. , Lycy, and
her dog. One day she was on the 2) ................... .There was a baby 3) .................... there! Lycu looked around for its mother. Lucy carried the baby 4) ...................... and walked a long way. The dog helped her to find the seal s mother benind a 5) ....................... .
She was very happy to see her baby again


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