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Номер 63..срочно нужно

5-9 класс

Artemon09 10 апр. 2015 г., 21:06:07 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 апр. 2015 г., 22:05:38 (9 лет назад)

Otvet v predidushem voprose!


Другие вопросы из категории

Как читается этот диалог по англиски

Mother: Girls I`m angry with you.I asked you not to eat your oranges until lunch and you have already eaten your oranges
Ann: No, Mum. We haven`t eaten our own oranges.Betsy has eaten my orange and i hove eaten her orange

Choose the correct item.

1).There are a lot of ...here.
a)mice. b)mouse c)money

2My friend won't be there ...
a)too. b)also. c) either

3 I...a red bike when I was I was four...
a)have. b)had. C) have had

Составить предложения. Спасибо за помощь!

1) know / better / I / you / don't / writes/ than anyone / who.
2) day / I / exercise / try / some / to / get / every.
3) to / better / Laura / know / wants / English.
4) going / Lane / this / is / place / leave / to.
5) you / up / did / early / why / wake / so?
6) designed / first / who / helicopter / world's / the?
7) snowing / hard / is / now / it.

Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком.... заранее спасибо..:)Andrew has just passed his English examination. Nina is taking the same exam tomorrow. She

is asking Andrew for advice. Complete the dialogue using suitable future forms. (In some cases more than one form is possible.) Nina:I__(take) this exam tomorrow and I`m awfully nervous.Andrew : Don`t be nervous, tou ___(be) fineYou ___(please) the examiners with your English, I`m sure.Nina: You are kidding,aren`t you?They ___(ask) me many questions?Andrew:No,I don`t think so: just two or three.Nina:Oh!And I ___(have to read) a text and then translate it?A.: Yes,that`s one of the things everybody does.N:And I___(write) anything?A: I think they___(tell) you to write some questios on the text.N:I see.I hope I ___(have)enough time to write the questions.A:Don`t worry,they ____(give) you at least half an hour to get ready.N:I___(look)through my grammar books this afternoon and ____(practise) reading aloud.A:I hope you___(not,stay)up late. You should rest well before the exam.N:I ___(try) to. Thanks for you time,Andy. See you.A:See you and the best of luck.

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