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Людии,помогите пожалуйста,срочно нужно сочинение по английскому на тему Школьная система в Казахстане или другое

5-9 класс

Школьная система в Британии, пожалуйста люди помогите...срочно..........

Cdtnkf 16 янв. 2015 г., 13:01:27 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 янв. 2015 г., 14:25:30 (9 лет назад)

"According to our estimates, in Kazakhstan under-funding of the school system each year is about 110 billion tenge ," - said the Minister.He also noted that the country there is a big difference in the level of funding for schools in different regions of the country . "The difference in the cost per pupil in the region up to twice the size ," - he stressed. Thus, according to the ministry, MSE cost per student is 8.6 thousand tenge, while in South Kazakhstan , the figure is 45 thousand tenge.However, the minister said, " in regions where costs are higher , there is no better quality of education."Zh.Tuimebayev stressed that " the cost per student in Kazakhstan is less than the average cost of the third group , which includes countries with a GDP of less than $ 10 thousand, in particular China, Turkey, Russia and Zimbabwe ."In addition , the minister reiterated the government members of the low salary of educators . " Despite the increase in the average wage in the education system (from 25 th to 29 th ), it is only 64% of the average wage in the country ," - he stressed. The ratio of wages to teachers of Kazakh GDP per capita is lower than in Russia .Zh.Tuimebayev also expressed concern about the acute shortage of student places in the country. " The deficit pupils in Kazakhstan exceeds 150 thousand , about 115 schools are forced to work in three shifts ," - he said." On behalf of the President, in order to eliminate three-shift training and emergency replacement schools for three years, will be built in the regions of Kazakhstan 100 schools " - recalled the minister. "The government formed a list of schools in oblasts and the cities of Almaty and Astana, prepared the necessary calculations the cost of construction. On the construction of 100 schools need funding in the amount of 90 billion tenge," - he concluded.


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