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Say what the children did at the costume party.Use these words:

1-4 класс

Sing, songs, dance, listen to music, tell fantastic stories, play jokes, draw funny pictures.

Заранее всем огромно спасибо)

Anastasiyaim8 16 апр. 2014 г., 21:01:39 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 апр. 2014 г., 22:10:07 (10 лет назад)

Hello everyone!  Now I'm on a costume party. Here the children are having fun. Nancy perfectly draws pictures, and Joe excellent dancer. Kate and Max tell the other guys fantastic stories! Lucy together with Nicole listen to music. It is very fun!
Думаю я помогла тебе ;)


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The children did at the custume party tell to each other fantastic stories. The children did at the custume party play jokes The children did at the

custume party draw funny pictures The children did at the custume party sings songs The children did at the custume party dance The children did at the custume party listen to music перевидите

Say what games the children played at the sports ground and what musical instruments some of them play after classes

example.Mary and Tom (table tennis)
Mary and Tom table tennis

1.The children(volleyball)
2.Mary (piano)
3.Nelly and Victor (badminton)
4.My elder sister (guitar)
5.Caroline (basketball)
6.The boys (hockey)

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