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Say what games the children played at the sports ground and what musical instruments some of them play after classes

1-4 класс

example.Mary and Tom (table tennis)
Mary and Tom table tennis

1.The children(volleyball)
2.Mary (piano)
3.Nelly and Victor (badminton)
4.My elder sister (guitar)
5.Caroline (basketball)
6.The boys (hockey)

МуЗыКаааазазаза 17 февр. 2014 г., 7:53:06 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 февр. 2014 г., 10:22:38 (10 лет назад)

the children play volleyball
Mary plays the piano
Nelly and Victor play badminton
My elder sister plays the guitar
Cacoline plays basketball
The boys play hockey 


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ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ВОПРОСЫ СРОЧНЯК!!!!1.How often do you and your parents go to the shops?2.To what

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Вставьте пропущенные буквы пожалуйста срочно надо, 4 класс.


Помогите, пожалуйста!!!!! написать сочинение о моём любимом спортсмене (всего 6

предложений) или вашей любимой спортивной команде. Может о Шевченко, или Кличко. Или о Динамо. Можно написать, что дома висят плакаты с ними. Можно о футболисте каком-то. Чтобы было для 3 класса. Write about the

sportmen below (6 sentences) or your favourite sports team.

Помогите!! Пожалуйста**!!!!!!

Читайте также

The children did at the custume party tell to each other fantastic stories. The children did at the custume party play jokes The children did at the

custume party draw funny pictures The children did at the custume party sings songs The children did at the custume party dance The children did at the custume party listen to music перевидите

Work in pairs . Take turns to ask and answer the questions to the text. Предложения: 1.What did she do in the morning ? 2.Did she have an English

lesson yesterday ? 3.What did the children do at the English lesson ? 4.Did her mum buy her a new dress or a new dress or a blouse? 5.Did ____________ ? 6.Did _______or ________? 7.Was__________? Текст: 1.Ukrainian was my first lesson.We read a very interesting story.I answered the teacher's questions well.Miss Alison gave me a very good mark. 2.In the afternoon we went shopping with my mum . She bought me a new dress and a pair of shoes . I was really happy . 3.The english lesson was very interesting . We wrote a story , did grammar exercises , played games and sang songs. 4.I had a very nice day yesterday. At 8 o'clock I took my bag , put on my clothes and went to school . I gor to school by bus . I didn't wait long at the bus stop . The weather was nice.

Read the questions, correct the mistakes nd answer the questions.

0) Look around. What your classmates doing?
What are your classmates doing?

1. Your teacher writing on the board now?

2. Look an your partner. What she/he is doing?

3. Your partner is writing in his/her notebook?

4. look around. What your classmates doing now?

5. What game the children playing at the playground now? What do you think?

6. Are you listen to your teacher?

7. You are answering the questions correctly?

The children from Green Road School take part in different after - school activities.

What did the children do last year? Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.
(Box): choir, secondhand, invitations, pick up, leaves, soft, elderly, neighborhood, water, folk, local.
1.) Last year the pupils worked a lot. they helped to rake _____ in the schoolyard and to __ flowers.
2.) They visited children at the ___ hospital and gave them ___ toys.
3.) There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped to ___ litter near it last summer and helped to clean up the ____.
4.) pupils of the 1st form collected ____ books for the local hospital.
5.) The school ____ won first prize at the singing competition.
6.) A lot of ____ people got ____ for the concert.
7.) The children performed ___ dances and songs at the concert.
Помогите пожалуйста, даю 40 баллов.

читать вопросы, исправить ошибки и ответ

your teacher writing on the board now?
look at your partner. what she/he is doing?
your partner is writing in his/her notebook?
look around. what your classmates doing now?
what game the children playing at the playground now? what do you think?
are you listen to your teacher?
you are answering the questions correctly?

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