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What is the difference between meals and mealtimes in England and Ukraine?

10-11 класс

ProAnastasya0 13 янв. 2015 г., 8:23:57 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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13 янв. 2015 г., 11:04:14 (9 лет назад)

Ukrainian cuisine have a lot of original meals which are not very important abroad although we have worldwide meals like borsh and varenyki.

British cuisine also have their tradotional meals like Cheshire cheese, Yorkshire pudding and Welsh rarebit. They are not as important as borsh, but they are also very tasty and worldwide.

In conclusion our meals and cuisine are most similar.

The difference aren't very far cry.


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Suddenly one little mouse 11 ___________ (say), “Let`s put a bell round the cat`s neck & we 12 _________ (hear) it.”

They 13 _________ (be) all very glad and they 14 ________ (begin) to dance.

Suddenly the clever old mouse 15 ________ (say), “I 16 _________(want) to ask one question. Who 17 ___________ (put) the bell round the cat`s neck?”

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даю 200 баллов

надо перевести предложения в косвенную речь
Reporter спрашивает Bill Murray's
Where did you buy your first newspaper? - I bought my first newspaper a year ago. It doesn't mean I head never read a newspaper before that.
Did you use to read any newspapers before that? - When I was younger I usually read the newspapers my parents got or bought.
How often do you read it? - It is delivered to my door every weekend.So now I have my own source of news. And as it is a huge newspaper which consists of dozens of pages, I read it from Sunday to next Saturday.
Have you always been happy with it? - I have been reading my newspaper for a year and I have always been happy with it. It provides me with a balanced view of the world.
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на халявщиков буду кидать жалобы

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ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста ответить!!) Questions: 1. What kinds of mass media do you know? 2. What was the earliest kind of mass


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помогите пожалуйста очень очень срочно нужно((((

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Mass media (that is the press, the radio and television)
plays an important role in the life of society. They inform,
educate and entertain people. They also influence the
way people look at the events and sometimes make them
change their views.
Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers in
their spare time. People listen to the radio while driving а саг. On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and
various discussions of current events. Lots of radio or
TV games and films attract large audience.
Newspapers give more detailed reviews of political
life, culture and sports. Basically they are read by the
people who are subscribers and those who are interested
in politics.
There is a lot of advertising in mass media. Many TV
channels, radio stations and newspapers are owned by
different corporations. The owners can advertise what­
ever they choose.
But we cannot say that mass media do not try to raise
the cultural level of people or to develop their tastes. Mass
media bring to millions of homes not only entertaiment
and news but also cultural and educational programs.
There is a great number of TV, cable TV and satellite
TV channels and lots of radio stations and newspapers now.


1. What is mass media?
2. How does mass media influence people?
3. What is the difference between radio and TV
4. Does the audience of TV and radio differ?
5. Do you think that advertising is useful?

По данным текста на двух вложениях (Читать текст следует от GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS(лист 6) до THE MELTING POT(лист 8)) ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why did the first European settlers set up a democratic system?
2. When was the Constitution of the U.S.A. established?
3. How many Constitutions have been adopted in the U.S.A.?
4. At what age can an American vote?
5. What can you tell about the Federal Government?
6. What are the functions of the President of the United States of America?
7. What are the functions of the Congress?
8. What is the function of the Judiciary?
9. What are the leading parties in the U.S.A.? What is the difference between them?
10. How do Americans elect their president?
11. What is the difference between the federal and state laws?

переведите на русский,пожалуйста!

1. School rules (what are the main rules in our school, what is permitted and forbidden, do you agree with the rules, do you find them reasonable, what would you like to change)
2. Higher education (what are the most famous universities, do you plan entering a university, which university would you choose, why, what are the differences between Russian and foreign universities)
3. Exchange programmes ( would you like to take part in an exchange programme, what are the opportunities you might have, what country would you like to attend , why, what are your interests and priorities, what qualities make you a successful participant) SB p. 18-20
4. Ways of self - expression (what are the main kinds of identity, how do people show their identity, what ways do you use to express yourself)
5. Subcultures (what makes people join subcultures, what are their main reasons, do you belong to any subculture or do you know someone who does, what’s your attitude to subcultures, give your reasons for or against)
6. Body language (what are the signs of good and bad body language, what are the differences around the world, how to detect different emotions with the help of body language, how to look confident) SB p. 30-32
7. Traditions (what a tradition is, kinds of traditions – family, national, religious etc. , why do people keep traditions, do we need all of the traditions, why/why not)
8. Celebrations (what are the main festivals in our country, do you celebrate them, what are your favourite celebrations, why, do we need all of festivals and holidays, which might be excepted)
9. Family and national traditions (give some examples of national and family traditions, does your family have any special way of celebrating, do you often gather and have family meals, what’s more important, to keep your family or national traditions, why)
10. Materialistic world (who a materialistic person is, are modern people materialistic, what makes them materialistic, are you materialistic, why/why not)
11. Poverty (main causes of poverty, main effects, your attitude to poverty, can we solve the problem of poverty)
12. Money and successes (who can be called a successful person, what does a person need to be successful, does money always bring happiness and success)
13. Family (what a family is, main kinds of family, why do people need family)

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