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Put a, an, the or nothing into each gap in the story. Example I had_______dinner with the

10-11 класс


My Aunt Vanessa is (a)_________artist She lives in (b)

__________ beautiful old cottage by (c)_______sea and she

paints (d) _________small pictures of wild flowers and birds.

She doesn't like leaving (e)_______cottage, but once (f)

_______year she travels by (g)_______train to London

and has (h)_______tea with me at (i)----------Savoy

Hotel. At the moment I'm quite worried about her because

she's in (j)_______hospital, but I'm sure she'U be better

soon. I'm going to visit her next week.

Marichka172 11 янв. 2015 г., 16:10:07 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 янв. 2015 г., 18:53:33 (9 лет назад)

I had_______dinner with     the     Queen. 


Другие вопросы из категории

Open the bracket & put verbs into the proper tense form. Long, long ago there 1 ___________ (live) a lot of mice in an old

house. There 2 __________ (live) a cat in that house too. The mice 3 _____________ (be) afraid of the cat but they 4 _________ (not know) what to do. So one day they all 5 ________ (come) to an old clever mouse & 6 ________ (begin) 7 ____________ (talk) about the cat.

“What 8 __________ (can) we do?” they 9 ___________ (say). “The cat 10 _______ (kill) us all.”

Suddenly one little mouse 11 ___________ (say), “Let`s put a bell round the cat`s neck & we 12 _________ (hear) it.”

They 13 _________ (be) all very glad and they 14 ________ (begin) to dance.

Suddenly the clever old mouse 15 ________ (say), “I 16 _________(want) to ask one question. Who 17 ___________ (put) the bell round the cat`s neck?”

К каждому предложению нужно задать вопрос?

Joseph Alexander lives in the USA. His birthday is January 100th. He has got green eyes and red hair. He. is an explorer. He can help Professor Wallace.

V. Из трех слов выберите одно, соответствующее определению,

которое дано выше. Подчеркните его

даю 200 баллов

надо перевести предложения в косвенную речь
Reporter спрашивает Bill Murray's
Where did you buy your first newspaper? - I bought my first newspaper a year ago. It doesn't mean I head never read a newspaper before that.
Did you use to read any newspapers before that? - When I was younger I usually read the newspapers my parents got or bought.
How often do you read it? - It is delivered to my door every weekend.So now I have my own source of news. And as it is a huge newspaper which consists of dozens of pages, I read it from Sunday to next Saturday.
Have you always been happy with it? - I have been reading my newspaper for a year and I have always been happy with it. It provides me with a balanced view of the world.
What do you like most about your newspaper? - It includes an amazing sports page! It's the first thing I read. But don't quote me on that!
Do you think it will always remain interesting? - I hope it will remain as interesting and unbiased as it is now.
на халявщиков буду кидать жалобы

С каким словом рифмуется слово her

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An object or collection of objects wrapped in paper, especially so that it can be sent by post. The letters and parcels which are transported and

delivered by post, or the postal system itself. An object or group of objects that have been wrapped up together in paper or cardboard; a small parcel. A request for payment of money owed, or the piece of paper on which it is written. A flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a letter. A mass which is high in the middle or which is made from the objects put on top of each other. To create a pile - a larger and larger amount of something. (перевод).

Use the or zero article to fill in the gaps.

(1)...bat is a night animal.During the day,
(2)...bats usually roost in large groups in
hanging upside-down.

Помогите расставить complete the sentences with a/an, the, or nothing. 1. i have two children, _ boy and _ girl. _ boy is twenty-two and

_ girl is nineteen.

2. Mike is _ soldier in _ Army, and Chloe is at _ university.

3. My wife goes to _ work by _ train. She's _ accountant. I don't have _ job. I stay at _ home and look after _ children.

4. What _ lovely day! Why don't we go for _ picnic in _ parK?

5. what did you have for _ lunch? 'Just _ sandwich.

1. Read the text below. Fill in each gap with one word which best

1. Read the text below.
Fill in each gap with one word which best fits each space(1-4).
Ukrainian Art
1)............. galleries feature beautiful art works such as
paintings, graphic arts, design, sculptures, crafts,pysanky, and
fotographs from both local and international artists, visitors can enjoy
exquisite works of arts created by highly-talented artists. Several
great artists from Ukraine have become 2)................ worldwide for a
variety of artists styles. An important religious art form is the
3)..............., a hihly stylized painted image of a religious figure
or event; icon art came to Ukraine from Byzantium with the
Christianizing in 988.
Ukrainian folk art is rich and colourful. The
tradition of the Easter eggs has its beginings in Ukraine, where these
4)........... are called pysanky. Weaving and woodcarving are also
important in Ukrainian art.
2. Write down five special questions to the text of task 1 .
Дуже терміново !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

. Exercise 5. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. I asked the old gentleman, “Are you feeling tired?”

2. The hotel manager asked the visitors, “Did you sleep well?”

3. He asked his wife, “Is the baby asleep or awake?”

4. The teacher asked Tom, “Do you come to school by bus or on foot?”

5. A man stopped me in the street and asked, “Have you got a match?”

6. The teacher asked us “Do you understand the question or not?”

7. Henry’s father asked his son, “Do you want to be an engineer or a doctor?”

8. 1 asked Peter, “Are you going to play football on Friday or on Saturday?”

9. The teacher asked me, “Do you spell ‘swimming’ with one ’m’ or a double ’m’?

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