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Use the or zero article to fill in the gaps. (1)... bat is a night animal. During the day,(2) ... bats usually roost in large groups in (3) ... caves,

5-9 класс

(4) ... attics, or (5) trees, hanging upside - down.

Vbelosludtsev 17 июля 2014 г., 19:44:09 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 июля 2014 г., 21:15:32 (9 лет назад)

1. the

2. zero article

3. zero article

4. zero article

5. zero article


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помогите сотавить мой бюджет на английском языке! на каждый день!!! Вот мне дают мои родители карманные деньги на собственные расходы каждую нед

елю по 30.000! план составления: запишите каждую вещь на которую вы тратите деньги в течении каждой недели и её цену! Список может включать кино и книги и журналы и транспорт!!! Теперь нужно сложит сколько вы получаете карманных денег каждую неделю!Вычтите деньги которые вы тратите из тех денег которые получаете!!

Даю 30 баллов!

Нужно вставить слова в предложения к завтру. Помогите!

Help please!!!!!помогите раскрыть скобки
10 предложений в презент континиусе

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Choose the best word to fill in the gaps.All of ________(we, our ,us,) used to think about Egypt as the country of pharaohsand pyramids. However,

to__________ (understand ,understood, understanding) Egypt in a real way, these facts are not ____(such, enough. too) . Bedouin tourism was organized a long time ago. Inan oasis, I was greeted as an honoured guest by native Bedouins dressed in_____(nation, national, nationality) clothes. I rode on camels and donkeys throughout the night.A black-eyed Arab was singing, so it seemed, especially for me. I fell asleep ina traditional Bedouin marquee… When the morning________ (came, arrived, reached ) during the camelwalk, the Bedouin took out a modern mobile phone from_____ (them, his, him)
clothes which were actually jeans and, in pure English, started retelling how his business was_____(coming, following. going ). Such is the country, this is the way they live…
Use the text of the first task and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).
1) Nowadays Egypt isn’t associated only with pyramids and pharaohs.2) Bedouin tourism has recently appeared in Egypt.3) The song of the Arab seemed to be for the only person.4) Tourists ride camels and donkeys in day-time only.5) The Bedouin could speak English rather well.

2. In your cuiture. / Vocabulary. Read about one of the Russian charity funds. Choose the appropriate word to fill in each gap in the text.

The Children Oncology and Hematology Research Institute (0) set up a charitable fund "Nastenka". The fund started its work in February of 2002. The charity (1).... sick children and their families. It also (2)...... people from different countries to make their (3)...... to charity events and (4)... money for the fund. The charity doesn't only (5)..... money. Its members (6)..... to charity in many different ways. They (7)..... the needy children with medical care, organise parties, entertainment shows, concerts and excursions for sick children.

0 a open b put c set up

1 a raises b supports c donates

2 a asks b gathers c makes

3 a difference b fundraising c contribution

4 a donate b carry c use

5 a have b spend c raises

6 a contribute b take part c support

7 a give b provide c take

Complete the sentences, use a(an), the or zero article. ________________________ 1)We knew he was ...foreigner because he spoke with a

strange accent. 2)There was ...old Lady of France who taught ...little ducklings to dance. 3) He has not worked hard so thee is not much hope that he will pass ...exam. 4) .;.. hotel is ...place where ...students of ...travellers can get ...meals and ...rooms. 5) "Never lend... books, for no one ever returns them; ...only books I have in my library are ...books that other people have lent me." 6) I had like .. glass of water. 7) Who is ...boy standing by ...piano? 8) Today is ...last day when we can give them ...papers. 9) What ...thick dictionaries! 10) The browns have got ...boy and ...girl. ..girl is three years older than ...boy.

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