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Help please!!!!!помогите раскрыть скобки

5-9 класс

Дашулька29rus 11 июля 2014 г., 15:58:26 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 июля 2014 г., 18:25:44 (9 лет назад)


2. will be recieved

3, will give

4. be found

5. show

6. find

7. is divided

8. found

9. was found

10 call


Читайте также

Помогите раскрыть скобки и употребитьглагол в нужном времинию. 1. If you (to come),we(to see) a new film. 2.When I (to leave), I (to

send) you a letter.

3.We(not to go) to the stadium if you (to be busy) on Sunday.

4.When she (to buy) tickets, she (to tell) us about it.

5.I (to help) him if he (to ask) me.

Помогите раскрыть скобки

1.Thoes children (to help) their mother.
2. Denis (to work) at a new project this semester.
3. We (to know) each other since 1990.
4. The inspector (to keep) a watch on the house for last few days.
5. I ( to see) the sea long ago, in my childhood.
6 The builders ( to finish) the work by the end of the day.

раскрыть скобки,поставить глагол в

раскрыть скобки,поставить глагол в правильную форму.и перевести.
the documents (to check) at the passport control area.
my salary(to pay) into my account.
these souvenirs (to make) by hand.
in this supermarket a 10 pen cent discount (to give)to regular customers.
a iot of money (to spend) on advertising last year.
new computers(to deliver)to the shop tomorrow.
the scientist (to award) the nobel prize for his discovery.
our clients (to invite) to the trade show next month.
these problems (to discuss) at the meeting yesterday.

Помогите раскрыть скобки

1. Why you (not to recognize) him? - He (to change) a lot.

2. Jenny (to have) dinner before mother ( to come)?

3.It (to be) my first time I ( to fly).

4. Martin ( to go) to the patk before you (to arrive)?

5 When he (to be) a teenager, he (to study) guitar for two years.

6. You ( to get) home before it (to start) raining?

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