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Many-mice, one-?

1-4 класс

one-room, many-?
one town,many-?
many hills,one-?

по английски many-fish, one-?

Katyumatyu 04 янв. 2016 г., 17:25:24 (8 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 янв. 2016 г., 17:57:48 (8 лет назад)


+ 0 -
04 янв. 2016 г., 20:11:03 (8 лет назад)



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решите плизз.

(взято из: 5 класс
Предмет Английский язык
Автор Е.А. Барашкова
Учебник Грамматика английского языка.
Сборник упражнений, часть 1)

что бы вы написали о погодн в рос7сии. закончите предложения. Days are-------.2)ln autumn it is usually-----.3)bays are-----.4)in winter the weather is

often----- and------. 5)lt is sometimes----- in sprinq. 6) ln sprinq days are----. 7) ln autumn it is often------.

Читайте также

Напиши недостающие слова. Даны два столбика в заглавии первого написано - one в заглавии второго написано - many. Далее необходимо заполнить пропуски,

предложены следующие слова: cow (many), fish (one), shelves (one), room (msny), horse (many), mice (one), sheep (many).

перевод текста It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world. The centre

of London is Trafalgar Sguare. Some people say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the sguare stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson.Four bronze lions loor at the sguare from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the sguare. They are in front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries of the world. Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.

Irkutsk the capital east Siberiaю One of the

oldest cities in Russia. Him three hundred and fifty years. Irkutsk
is located on the banks of the Angara River, in sixty three kilometers from lake Baikal
and a lot of tourists visit it every years. In the
old part of the city there lots of
interesting ancient buildings.
You can visit art museum, the house-museum
Volkonskogo, icebreaker museum Angara.
You can also visit musical
a theater, theatre drama, opera and puppet theater. Tourists can see the Catholic Cathedral
or Spasskaya church they very beautiful. There are
some fantastic restaurants in the Irkutsk. You can have lunch at one of
the many cafes in the centre of the
city. Baikal is one of the oldest lakes in the world. The depth of the like is one thousand six
hundred thirty-seven metres. The water is fresh clean and clear. In the lake there are many fish: omul, harius, sturgeon, cig and
seals. Tourists usually go to like Baikal. They can buy souvenirs and eat fish there. In Irkutsk
there are more six hundred
thousand people and third of people of different nationalities^ Russian, Buryats, Tatars
Poles, Germans, and another. All the
people are friendly, live and work
together. Пожалуйста проверьте мое сочинение. Правильно ли все. Если нет исправьте ошибки. Заранее вам благодарна.

Перевидите пожалуйста текст: In from Normandy in France. William the Conqueror became King of England. The King lived in London. Many of his people lived

in London too. But William was afraid of the English, of the people of London and he built the White Tower to live in it. Now it is one of the most important and beautiful buildings of the Tower of London. As it is very famous, many people visit it every year. All Kings and Queens of England lived in London. It became the biggest city in England. By 1600 there were more than two handread thousand people in London. Зарание ОГРОСНОЕ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОЕ СПАСИБО!!!!!:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)

напиши недостающие слова.

one many
помогите очень надо!!

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