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5-9 класс

Mina20 29 апр. 2013 г., 6:24:32 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 апр. 2013 г., 8:52:41 (11 лет назад)

1) My dad usually walks with our dog. Today he must meet with my teacher, so I have to walk with the dog.
2) We must follow the traffic rules.
3) My school is far from our house and I have to get up early.
4) I must follow my parents' decision.
5) I have to work twelve hours a day to pay for my debts.


Другие вопросы из категории

Rewrite the sentences.Use the past Simple or the Future Simple.

It is cloudy today.

1.He is buse this week.
___________________next week.
___________________last week

Find mistakes and correct them.Lives he in London?13Why she is sad?14.He is not work in the hospital.15 He not plays with his friends.16Who does

remember Cute?17 You dont live in London,are you ?помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!!

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Составьте предложения , употребляя to have to. Дополните предложения объяснениями, почему пришлось / придется так поступить.

get up at 6 o'clock.
speak loudly.
work hard on
She will have to do than himself
Mrs.McDonald have to call for a doctor.
We has to learn a lot of new
Mr.Johnson had to words.
Our children lay the table.
go shopping on
put coats on.
leave earlier to

проверьте грамотность 4ех англ. предложений, пожалуйстаI think an ideal school uniform has to be at all identical. Boys have to have black trousers

and a jacket with a white shirt and a red tie. Girls have to have a skirt in a red section a white shirt a jacket or a jacket of black color and a red bow for a tie place. Here such form I want

Я думаю идеальная школьная форма должна быть у всех одинаковая. У мальчиков должны быть чёрные штаны и пиджак с белой рубашкой и красным галстуком. У девочек должна быть юбка в красную клеточку белая рубашка пиджак или кофта чёрного цвета и красный бантик за место галстука. Вот такую форму я хочу

Задание 1.- Вставьте подходящую форму have to

1) He ( have to ) go to school.
2) She ( not have to ) help her mother.
3) You ( have to ) read the book tomorrow.
4) They ( not have to ) speak English.
5) You ( have to ) get up early on Sunday.
Задание 2.- Образуйте отрицательное предложение
1) He has to stay at home
2) You will have to go to the library
3) She has to buy bread every morning
4) We have to take a bus to get to the theatre
5) I have to get up at 8 yesterday

Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном времени. 1.I (have to) gave up at eight o`clock last Monday. 2.We (not have to) go to school

last week.

3.You (have to) clean your room on Saturday?

4.I (have to) phone my friend yesterday.

5.My mother(have to) work last Sunday.

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