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нужна помощь с английским языком

5-9 класс

алекса2004илья2011 05 июня 2015 г., 17:33:28 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 июня 2015 г., 19:10:13 (9 лет назад)

2.is falling
3. snows
4. are playing
5. are building
6. are throwing
7. like
8. don't like
9. stay
10. watches
11. listens
12. reads
13. are sitting
14. is writting
15. is reading

2a; 3b; 4a; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8b; 9a.


Другие вопросы из категории

You have 30 minutes to do this task.You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.…I’ve just been to the zoo.

What lovely animals are there! Bears, tigers and even sharks! When I look at them in the zoo I can hardly imagine that they could be dangerous or eat other animals…… What do you think is better for animals –
to live in the zoo or in the wild, why? What animals are common in your region? Have you ever seen any animal in the wild? …
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Talk about the country of the United Kingdom you would most like to visit. Say:

• where it is situated
• what its symbols are
• what it is famous for
(7-8 предложений)

Помогите пожалуйста!Exercise. Complete the sentences with I’ll+ a suitable verb. Choose the verbs from the

list below:
Have, turn, go, phone, get. do.
Example: I’m too tired to walk home. I think....... I’ll get ........a taxi.

1) I feel a bit hungry. I think ....………...... something to eat. 2) It’s too late to telephone Tom now. I think ………….… him in the morning. 3) ‘It’s a bit cold in this room.’ –‘Is it? .......………….. on the heating then.’ 4) ‘We haven’t got any cigarettes.’ –‘Oh, haven’t we ? ………………. and get some. 5) ‘Did you write that letter to Jack?’ –Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me ....………. it this evening. 6) ‘Would you like tea or coffee?’ –‘………....... coffee, please.’

Помогите с Английским языком

A 13. Use the correct past tense in the sentence When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They ____________ (eat).
1) ate
2) were eaten
3) were eating
4) was ate
A 14. Use the correct past tense in the sentence Before Jamie changed jobs, he ____ on a plan to reduce his apartment rent:
1) had been working
2) had worked
3) was work
4) worked
A 15. Use the correct past tense in the sentence When we came back home, the children ___ for two hours.
1) had already be sleeping
2) had already slept
3) had already been sleeping
4) slept
A 16. Use the correct past tense in the sentence When I arrived, Lucy ___ in bed with temperature since lunchtime.
1) had lying
2) had been lying
3) had lied
4) was lied
A 17. Use the correct past tense in the sentence Sean explained why he ___ an essay.
1) hadn’t written
2) hadn’t been writing
3) didn’t write
4) hadn’t been written
A 18. Use the correct past tense in the sentence I ___ the golf club before Martin did it:
1) had joined
2) had been joined
3) have been joining
4) joined

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