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Помогите составить 10 предложений вот задание: What is the best place in your house? 1.Where do you live? What rooms are there in your flat/hause? 2.Do

1-4 класс

you share your room? I ..... with my sister(s). ...... brother тут я не с кем не делю комнату напишите. 3. What us there in your room? I've got ........ I haven't got ............ There are ........ There is (not).......... 4.Is your room tidy? I clean ....... at weekends. I put. ......... in the ........ 5.What have you changed ? I have put. ......... near ........... We have repainted ...... ......... redecorared. .......... 6.Do you like your room? Why? I can spend time with .......... I like. ........ there.

MashaHil 18 авг. 2013 г., 15:30:19 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 авг. 2013 г., 17:31:58 (10 лет назад)

2)I live with my sister.my brother doesn't share a room.i have got a desk.i haven't got any pictures an the wall.there are many chairs.there isn't my own mirror.4)i clean it at the weekends.i put the trash in the dumpster.i have put it near my house.we have repainted our house and redecorated.6)I can spent time with myself.i like being there,;)

+ 0 -
Сашуля Климова
19 февр. 2017 г., 19:51:52 (7 лет назад)

I live with my sister.my brother doesn't share a room.i have got a desk.i haven't got any pictures an the wall.there are many chairs.there isn't my own mirror.my brekfost/re many chairs.there isn't my own mirror.4)i clean it at the weekends.i put the trash in the dumpster.i have put it near my house.we have repainted our house and redecorated.6)I can spent time with myself.i like being there,;)


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Помогите вот задание. Answer the juestions and write a story about your dream town. 1.What is the name of your dream town? 2.What is your town like? 3. Whe

re is it? 4.Are there any rivers, lakes, seas, mountains near your town? 5.What is there in your dream town? 6.What are your favourite places in your town? 7.Who lives in your dream town? 8.What makes your dream town special?

Помогите ответить на вопросы по английски. 1. What is your name? 2. What are you? 3. How old are you? 4. Where

were you born?

5. Have you a family?

6. Is your family large?

7. What are your parents?

8. Are you married?

9. Are you single?

10.Where do you live?

11.What street do you live?

12.Is your flat large?

13.How many rooms do you have?

14.Is your flat comfortable?

15.Where do you study?

16.What institute do you study?

17.What is your speciality?

18.Is your institute state or non state?

19.What language do you learn?

20.When do you have your exams or credits?

21.How many subjects do you study?

22.What subjects do you study?

23.Is it interesting to study?

24.Where do you work?

25.When do you have you holidays?

26.Where do you spend your holidays?

27.What do you do at the weekends?

28.Do like to go to the cinema/ theatre/?

29.Do you like to watch TV/?

30.Are you fond of reading

31.Do you like poetry?

32.Do you read much?

33.Who are your favorite authors?

34.Do you like to read books/ detective stones?

35.Do you often go on a picnic?

36.Do you like to travel?

37.Do you go in for sports?

38.Do you work and study every day?

39.Do you like to listen to the radio?

40.What do you like to do on your holidays?

41.What do you do in the evening?

42.At what time do yon get up?

Надо перевести: Mr Brains. 11, Canon Street. High Brooms. TH2 3BR UK. И еще вопросы к этому заданию: 1 What is the name on the letter? 2 What is the

street name? 3 What is the house namber? 4 What is the town? 5 What is the country? Это надо перевести ( написать сюда ) и ответы на вопросы. Пожалуйста!

ответить на вопросы The climate in Great Britain is mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The British often say: "Other countries

have a climate; in England we have weather." The weather in Britain is very changeable. A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening. And a nasty morning can change to a fine afternoon. That's why it is natural for the British to use the comparison "as changeable as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. The British also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long. The weather is the favourite conversational topic in England. When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be "How do you do?" or "How are you?" And after the reply "Very well, thank you; how are you?" the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. When they go abroad the British often surprise people of other nationalities by this tendency to talk about the weather, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting. The best time of the year in Britain is spring (of course, it rains in spring too). The two worst months in Britain are January and February. They are cold, damp and unpleasant. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire. Summer months are rather cold and there can be a lot of rainy days. So most people who look forward to summer holidays, plan to go abroad for the summer — to France, Spain or some other place on the Continent. The most unpleasant aspect of British weather is fog and smog. This is extremely bad in big cities and especially in London. The fog spreads everywhere, it is in the streets and it creeps into the houses. Cars move along slowly, but still street accidents are frequent in the fog. People cannot see each other. They creep along the houses touching them with their hands not to lose their way or not to be run over by a car. Questions 1. Is the weather in England very chageable? 2. How often does it rain in England? 3. What do Englishmen often say to describe the weather of their country? 4. Englishmen often talk about weather. Do you find this topic of conversation interesting? 5. What is the worst time of the year in England? 6. When do Englishmen prefer to stay at home by the big fire? 7. How do te English spend their short English summer? 8. What are London smogs? 9.What king of weather do you lik best of all ? 10. Which do you like better: when its cold or hot? 11. What is the weather like today? 12. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 12. What is the weather lik in your town in winter (summer, autumn, spring)?

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