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помогите Пожалуйста нужно очень срочно

5-9 класс

Даша251003 17 мая 2013 г., 0:57:29 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 мая 2013 г., 1:54:14 (11 лет назад)

is a lot better, is the greatest, isnt so exiting, it is the most , the best, is so interesting, is more attractive, more interesting, more expensive ВРОДЕ ТАК, в следующий раз не фотографируй боком :)


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Срочно помогите плиз

Написать предложения на английском

А) Put in, at или on

1. I live____New York City. 2. My apartment is____Euston Street_____Lower Manhattan.3. It is____the 5th floor, but there is a life____the building. 4. I work _____ an investment bank___Wall Street. 5.When I'm____my office, I spend all day sitting___my desk. 6. Sometimes I get up and put something___the shelf or____the cupboard, but not very often. 7.____my way to work I buy a sandwich___the baker's. 8. I take the entrance___the back of the company building.9. It's quicker than___the front entrance.10.____home I love siting___my armchair reading the sports section___the newspaper. 11.In summer I like sunbathing___Central Park and watching the hustle and bustke around me.

Б) Where are the people standing? Complete sentences.
Образец: Colin is standing behind Frank.
1. Frank is sitting_______Emma.
2. Emma is sitting_______Barbara.
3. Emma is sitting_______Donna and Frank.
4. Donna is sitting________Emma.
5. Frank is sitting____Colin.
6. Alan is standing____Donna.
7. Alan is standing______left.
8. Barbara is standing_____middle.
A=Alan, B=Barbara, C=Colin, D=Donna, E=Emma, F=Frank

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Помогите пожалуйста, нужно очень срочно!

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