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It was Halloween night so my sisters and I decided to

5-9 класс

go trick-or-treating. We were very excited.
By the time we got to the last house in the street, it was very late and we were tired.The house looked empty, but we knoked anyway. The door opened on its own.Although we were scared, we decided to go in and have a look. Suddenly,we heard a loud noise and a huge creature jumped out in front of us.
"Don't be afraid, it's just an owl," said a voice from behind us.
We turned around and saw an old lady at the bottom of the strairs.She rushed over and introduced herself.
"Hello, I'm Mrs Shade. Let me give you some treats,you naughty little ghosts!"
When we finally got home, our Mum was very worried.
"Where were you?" she shouted,the moment we walked in.
"Don't worry,mum.We were at Mrs Shade's house, you know the big one at the end of the street. She gave us treats and..."
Mum looked puzzled. "What on earth are you talking about?" she said."Mrs Shade died ten years ago!"

Gavrilenko94 01 июня 2013 г., 14:59:59 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 июня 2013 г., 15:57:08 (11 лет назад)

Однажды в ночь Хелоуина я и моя сестра пошли собирать конфеты.(Дословно это была хелоуинская ночь и поэтому я и моя сестра пошли trick-or-threat -в переводе с английского конфеты или жизнь).Это было восхитительно (мы очень восхитились). 
К тому времени как мы добрались до последнего дома на улице было уже очень поздно и мы очень устали. Дом выглядел пустым (можно сказать заброшенным, но empty это пустой), но мы все равно постучались. Дверь открылась сама. Хотя мы были напуганы, мы решили зайти и посмотреть. Вдруг мы услышали громкий звук и огромное существо выпрыгнуло перед нами.
"Не бойтесь, это всего лишь сова," прозвучал голос (дословно сказал голос) сзади нас.
Мы обернулись и увидели старую женщину внизу ступенек (ну в Америке обычно крыльцо большое поэтому от двери до земли большое расстояние). Она (вот тут я честно не знаю, скорее всего обернулась вокруг себя, может быть поднялась, но глагол rush это мчаться) и представилась.
"Привет, меня зовут Миссис Шейд (фамилии не переводятся, миссис(Mrs) вроде замужняя, а мисс(Ms) не замужняя, дак вот тут миссис). Давайте я вам дам вам конфет, мои озорные маленькие призраки". (дословно разрешите мне дать вам конфет).
Наконец мы добрались до дома, наша мама очень волновалась.
"Где же вы были?" крикнула она, когда мы зашли (в дом).
"Не волнуйся мамочка (как то это лучше звучит чем "Не волнуйся мама"). Мы были в доме миссис Шейд, ты (наверное) знаешь, её дом (стоит) на конце улицы. Она дала нам конфет и..."
Мама выглядела озадаченной (удивленной). "О чем вы говорите?" она сказала. -"Миссис Шейд умерла 10 лет назад" (лучше сказать уже 10 лет как мертва!)

+ 0 -
01 июня 2013 г., 18:13:39 (11 лет назад)

переведите пожалуйста

+ 0 -
01 июня 2013 г., 19:22:09 (11 лет назад)

времени нет просто

+ 0 -
01 июня 2013 г., 21:27:51 (11 лет назад)

слыш сделай перевод по gogl

+ 0 -
01 июня 2013 г., 22:53:00 (11 лет назад)

там есть переводчик

+ 0 -
02 июня 2013 г., 0:51:48 (11 лет назад)

Комментарий удален


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Помогите перевести!It was Halloween night so my brothers and I decided

to go trick or treating. We were very excited.
By the time we got to the last house in the street, it was
very late and we were tired. The house looked empty,
but we knocked anyway. The door opened on its own.
Although we were scared, we decided to go in and
have a look. Suddenly, we heard a loud noise and a
huge creature jumped out in front of us.
"Don't be afraid, it's just an owl," said a voice from
behind us.
We turned around and saw an old lady at the bottom of
the stairs. She rushed over and introduced herself.
"Hello, I'm Mrs Shade. Let me give you some treats
you naughty little ghosts!"
When we finally got home, our Mum was very worried.
"Where were you?" she shouted, the moment we
walked in.
"Don't worry mum. We were at Mrs Shade's house,
you know the big one at the end of the street. She gave
us treats and ..."
Mum looked puzzled. "What on earth are you talking
about?" she said. "Mrs Shade died ten years ago!"

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ТЕКСТ И СОКРАТИТЕ ЕГО ДО 4-6 предложений One Saturday last winter, my best friends Amy, Maria, Greg, Andy and I decided to spend the

weekend in my uncle is big, old house in the country. It was stormy outside, so we decided to spend a cosy evening chatting together in the living room dowstairs.

Suddenly, there was a powerful gust of wind. The lights fickered and then went out altogether. " What was that?" I said. " Don it worry, John, it is just a power cut, " Greg reassured me. We carried on laughing and telling scary stories in the dark. After a while, there was a bright flash of lightning that lit up the whole room. There was a loud gasp. "Andy is missng!" Am cried.

We all looked at each other confused and scared, because no one had seen Andy laeve the room.We felt our way around the house, calling Andy, but there was no reply. We went back to the living room and triend to think of what to do next. Just then, there was a loud snore from the corner of the room. At that moment, the lights came back on. There was Andy, fast asleep on a big , velvet sofa!

Andy sat up sleepily, rubbing his eyes." Oh good, the lights are back on! " he said. " I was sleepy and felt like a snooze. I didn it want anyone to trip over me so I crawled over me so I crawled over here. " We were all very relieved.

Fill in the gaps usiing both/neither of us/them.

1 George and Peter went to the cinima to see a film. ...Neither of them... enjoyed it.though, because it was quit boring.
2 My sister and I are twins. ................. have the same colour hair.
3 I tried to open the cupboard, then James tried to open it, but ........................ could do it because it was stuck.
4 I made a chocolate cake and a cherry cake, but ............................ tasted good because I forgot to add the sugar!
5 Samanta and Kate were bridesmaids at a wedding last week. ...................... looked lovely in their beautiful dresses.
6 I phoned Bill and Tom yesterday. I think .................................. were out because no one answered the telephone.

My sister Charlotte was born when I was seven and my mother decided she needed a nanny to took after us. So we get Alison. She was very young,

seventeen I think, and wonderful. I adored her. She only worked part-time with us before she started her training at Norland College. She had to drees in the morning and take me to school. After school she made us delicious teas and read us stories in bed. On Charlott's birthday she organized a fantas- tic party. When Alison left, we had a trained nanny who lived with us and worked full-time. She was called Nanny Barnes by everyone, including my parents. She was older and quite traditional and wore a uniform. It was then that I realized that I wanted to be a nanny. I have always got on well with children. I have always enjoyed taking care of my sister and youger cousins. I told Mummy very firmly that I wanted to be a nanny when I grew up. At the time she lauged. I know that she and Daddy thougt it was just a childish phase I was going through, but it wasn't. They thought I would follow in my father's footsteps and study law. But i didn't. There were some terrible rows but I didn't go to university. I left school and spent a year working at Ludgrove School, where Prince William used to go. Then I stated my training course at Norland College. I finished the course last month and I've applied for the post of nanny to twins aged six months. Mummy and Daddy weren't angry for long, we made it up before I went to college, and they have encouraged me ever since.

помогите пожалуйста с переводом,спасибо огромное! 1. Rupinder was sitting by himself in the house.It was an important day.Today he and his family were

going to leave their village.They were going to emigrate to England.He was feeling very excited and sad.He was feeling sad because he was going to leave his home, his village and his friends.He thought: ''I will miss them all.I will probably not like England.I will probably want to come back.'' 2. Outside there was a crowd of people. They were his relatives and his neighbours.They were all waiting for the bus to Jullunder,the nearest town.There they could take a train to New Delhi.In New Delhi they wanted to take their plane to England.Everybody was going to travel to Jullunder with them to say goodbye.His parents and his sister,Hardeep,were outside,too.He could hear them talking.Hardeep was very excited.She was laughing and talking to her two friends:"We are going to lsve in England.We are going to travel in a big plane.We are going to live in a big house.And i am going to go to an English school."She was very happy. 3. "Oh,look!Here's the bus.Where is Rupinder?""Rupinder!Where are you?It's time to go."Everybody got into the bus.It was very crowded inside. There was a lot of luggage on the uoof.The driver fixed their boxes onto the roof.It was not far to Jullunder.It only took an hour. 4 . At the station everyone waited for the train to New Delhi.Everyone was laughing and talking.Two of their neighbours put garlands of flowers round their necks.Grandmother gave Rupinder some sweets and oranges in a basket.His best friend gave him some cakes."You are a lucky boy,Rupinder.I would like to go,too.Write to me.Don't forget me.Send me a postcard of London." Then the train came.It was a steam train.Hardeep was frightened."I don't like the noise.Idon't want to go.""It's all right,Hardeep.It's guite safe.Look at all the people on the train.Come on.Get in here."The father found four seats for them.Everyone was shouting:"Goodbye!Goodbye!Have a safe journey!Write to us when you get to England.Goodbye!"Their grandmother was crying and their relatives looked sad. 5. It was a very long journey to New Delhi.It took eight hours.The train was hot and crowded.Hardeep was excited and impatient."How far is it to New Delhi?What time shall we get there?"Rupinder was guiet.He was looking out of the window.There were men working in the fields."Look,Hardeep,there's a baby donkey with his mother."But Hardeep was asleep.Soon Rupinder was asleep,too.

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