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Write what you wear in summer, what you wore yesterday, and what you are wearing now. (мальчик)

1-4 класс

AlinkaM 18 сент. 2014 г., 6:45:57 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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18 сент. 2014 г., 8:15:27 (9 лет назад)

я летом ношу шорты и футболки.Когда хожу на речку я надеваю плавки.Вечером попрохладней я надеваю джинсы и кофту перевод:I wear shorts and t-shirts in the summer. When I go to the river I put on swimming trunks. In the evening more cool I put on jeans and a jacket


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1)what can you do in winter?

2)what can you do in summer?
3)what can you do any time(в любое время)?

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10. Ask your friend what he will do tomorrow ( write 8 questions ).

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Write the following sentences in the interrogative and negative forms. 1) Nelly lives at the seaside in summer.2)He is watching TV now.3)She bought

vegetables in the market.4)There are many flowers in the vase.5)I helped mother yesterday.6)They clean their rooms on Saturday.7)They will go to Zoo on Sunday.8)There is a new book on the table.

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