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Написать какую нибудь историю 15 предложений и чтобы предложения были в прошедшем времени. Ребят помогите =)))))) Можно чуть

10-11 класс

поменьше, только предложения чтоб были не слишком короткие)

Nata9631 24 авг. 2014 г., 17:35:27 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 авг. 2014 г., 18:49:14 (9 лет назад)

When I was a little boy, I liked to listen to different fairy-tales. Especially I liked when my mum told me these stories. She knew a lot of interesting stories with an exciting plot. She told them about distant cruises, interesting city, unusual items, the evil and the good wizards. I always imaged myself in these fairy-tales. I was a courageous hero, a hardy knight, a wise navigator, and sometimes a sly robber. With the help of these stories, I learned to distinguish good from evil; learned to show empathy, fairness and compassion. Due to my childhood memories now I became a good cartoonist!

Когда я был маленький, я любил слушать сказки. Особенно мне нравилось, когда их мне рассказывала мама. Она знала много интересных историй с захватывающим сюжетом. Она рассказывала про дальние плавания, интересные города, необычные предметы, злых и добрых волшебников. А всегда представлял себя в этих сказках. Я был то мужественным героем, то отважным рыцарем, то мудрым мореплавателем, а иногда хитрым разбойником. С помощью этих сказок я учился отличать добро от зла, учился проявлять сочувствие, справедливость и сострадание. Благодаря моим детским воспоминаниям теперь я стал мультипликатором!


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Помогите переделат в косвенную речь :) John: I've got two tickets for a new film. Would you

like to go?
Mary: I'm afraid I'll be busy this evening. What time
does it begin?
John: At half past eight.
Mary: Oh, that's all right. Г think I'll have enough
time to do all I'm planning to.
Peter: How long are you going to stay here?
Ann: A fortnight, I think. -
Peter: Then you'll have enough time to see the sights,
won't you? Would you like to begin tomorrow morning?
Ann: I'd love to.
A man: Excuse me. Can you speak English?
Ann: Yes, a little.
The man: Could you tell me how I get to Red Square
from here?
Ann: Yes, certainly. You can take the 12 bus. It won't
take you ten minutes to get there.
The man: Thank you very much.
Ann: Not at all.

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We all know when New Year is, right? Well, actually, it depends which calendar you use. Russians are lucky, they celebrate twice.

People counted time in many different ways until the Romans changed everyone to their system of counting time from the date Rome was founded. After Rome conquered Egypt, Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar based on a Babylonian model. It had 365 days divided into 12 months with an extra day every fourth year.
Then, in 527 AD, a Roman abbot, Dionysius Exiguus, brought in the Anno Domini calendar numbering the years from Jesus' birth. However, every 131 years the calendar would be out by one day, since the distance the earth travelled around the sun grew shorter from 365,2422 to 365,2419 days. Over the centuries this became a problem, as Easter was later and later in the year.
Pope Gregory XIII used the calendar of astronomer Christopher Clavius to make reforms. Clavius used mathematics and astronomy to calculate the new calendar. Most countries accepted the calendar straight away, but Britain only adopted the modern calendar, in 1752, and Orthodox Russia was forced to adopt the new changes when the Bolsheviks came to power, in 1917.
In many countries however, including Russia, both the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar are used. So, for the Russians, Christmas is on 7th January with Father Frost and other traditions and New Year is on 1st January, but they celebrate a second New Year on 13th January. The first one is the New New Year and the second one is the Old New Year.
New Year's Day on 1st January in Russia is a public holiday and is celebrated with fireworks and elaborate large meals and other festivities. The Old New Year by the Julian calendar is informally observed. For many this is a nostalgic family holiday ending the holiday season.
The Old New Year tradition also features in popular culture and art. Mikhail Roshchin wrote a comedy drama for the stage, in 1973, called The Old New Year, which played in theatres for many years. It was also a TV film released by Mosfilm studios in 1980 which featured famous actors and music by Sergei Nikitin, with lyrics by Boris Pasternak

Очень надо!!!! Заранее спасибо!!! Напишите предложения, употребив глагол в скобках в нужном времени (Past Indefinite, Present perfect)

When you (to see) your friends last?

The lecture (not to begin) yet and the students are talking loudly I (to be) in London three years ago.

I (not to speak) to him about it yesterday.

The delegation just (to arrive) in Moscow.

You ever (to be) to St. Petersburg?

Напишите следующие предложения в Future Indefinite, используя соответствующие обстоятельства времени.

I usually go for a walk after supper.

Helen gives private lessons.

When does he go to the country?

We don’t often take Jane for a picnic.

They are usually free on Friday.

Bob doesn’t attend his English lessons.

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