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Is,the mouse,little, Mary?Составить вопросы

1-4 класс

Elizabetketrin 05 дек. 2014 г., 12:10:13 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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05 дек. 2014 г., 14:42:48 (9 лет назад)

С данными словами только можно по моему так составить вопрос.Is Мary the little mouse?



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It is summer now.kate and Bill don't go to school in summer.They have summer holidays. On weekdays Mrs Brown gets up early in the morning.She does the

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Follow me,follow me ,March if you can!Swing your arms,And count to ten!One,two,one two three!Come on everyone,follow me !follow me!

hooray!Hooray!Hooray!Hooray!it s the end of the day!it s time for us To come out and play! Как читать по русски

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Собирите предложение по частям 1)Is,the mouse,little,Mary?2)the pig,Can,dance,Peter ? 3)like,Does,the fox,Martin,the

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An old man is sitting on the seashore. He is too old to swim. He is just sitting and drawing with a stone on the sand. He is drawing a little horse. The

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3.is he drawing with a pencil?
4.what is a drawing with?
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