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напишите тект впять предложений пр себя и свой увлечения на англиском помогите прошу вас заранее спасибо

10-11 класс

Wellpointaxioma 14 дек. 2014 г., 5:38:25 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 дек. 2014 г., 7:03:38 (9 лет назад)

I would like to tell about my hobby. When I have free time I usually reed books or drawing something. My favorite books it's "Harry Potter" by J.K.Rowling. This book it's wonderful story about "great" boy. I like watching films or listerning to music, too, it's very relaxing me.


Другие вопросы из категории

Make up questions. 1. does, go, when, to , she, school? 2. your, what, favourite , is , holiday/ 3. toys, you , have ,how ,many


4. he ,brother ,has ,a, got?

5 she, in ,swim ,the ,can ,river?

6. you ,apple ,would ,an ,like?

Подставьте "have" или "has":?

1.They...a new car.
2.The train...limited speed.
3.The cars...wide doors.
4.The workmen...two-days rest.
5.This line...many stations.
6.The depot...many shops.
7.The shops...different equipment.
8.An operator...all information.

You wrote me once that you had been learning english for about five years. I've started to learn it recently as a second foreign language. So I think you

are more competent in English that I am. Yesterday I came across the following sentence. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Could you explain me the meaning of it? Have you got any problems in English? How often do you study?Write soon,Michel
написать ему письмо, ответить на вопросы. задать 3 вопроса . 100-120 слов)

Читайте также

Я написала о себе, о своих увлечениях. Пожалуйста проверьте ошибки.

Talking about my hobbies, first of all I enjoy to listen music. Music is my everything. I think that it is one of the most important things in my life. My favorite kind of music is hevy metal, and not everybody can listen to it. But for me it is the best music. Art is the way of life of my soul. My favorite sort of art is literature. It is wonderful when you feel the cover of this book, breathe on its smell and hear how pages are rusted. I enjoy skating in winter and roller-blading, riding a bike and swimming in all the other seasons. I also like languages. English is my favorite one. I also love my native language and I would like to learn Deutsche. But it is a different story ...

Напишите пожалуйста следующие предложения в косвенной речи, обращая внимание на правило согласования времен.He asked me: "Do you want to see this hockey

match?" "When did you begin to play chess?" "Why do you want to go to the stadium?" "What game do you like to play best of all?"

Помогите с заданием) Заранее спасибо) Задайте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.

1. Ann translated a lot of foreign letters at the office last week.
2. They will return home later than usually tomorrow.
3. My friend knows Spanish very well.
4. He has just translated this article.
5. Yesterday I came home at 3 o'clock.

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