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Sea,lakes,river,house, как будет во множительном числе

1-4 класс

Ksenyakovrigin 26 окт. 2014 г., 10:10:49 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 окт. 2014 г., 11:05:47 (9 лет назад)





+ 0 -
26 окт. 2014 г., 12:16:27 (9 лет назад)

Sea- Seas-моря

lakes-lakes- озеа

river-rivers- реки

house-houses- дома


Читайте также

КАК БУДЕТ читаться диалог типа ( ви лив он ) как-то так , СРОЧНО НУЖНО НА ЗАВТРА ВЫУЧИТЬ .We live on Earth. It is roud .There is a Iot of water on

Earth. It is in rivers, Iakes , seas and oceans . The Iargest of the oceans is the Pacific Ocean. The Mediterranean Sea is the Iargest of the seas.There are five continents . The oceans and the seas are between the continents.

КАК БУДЕТ ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ НА РУССКОМ С АНГЛИЙСКОГО , СРОЧНО НУЖНО НА ЗАВТРА ВЫУЧИТЬ .We live on Earth. It is roud .There is a Iot of water on Earth. It is in

rivers, Iakes , seas and oceans . The Iargest of the oceans is the Pacific Ocean. The Mediterranean Sea is the Iargest of the seas.There are five continents . The oceans and the seas are between the continents.

read and make up a fary tale (прочитать и составить сказку).1. Name of the fairy tale: The Frog Princess, Peter Pan, The Soldier and the Witch, S

leeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast.

2. Beginning: once uppon a time..., once long ago..., long,long ago...

3. Who? (princess, prince, queen, king, scarecrow, rabbit,fairy, beast, pirate, soldier, wizard, lion, dog, cat, three brother, seven fairies)

4. What was she (he) like? (beautiful, uglu, handsome, wicked, kind, cowardly, stupid, wise)

5. Where? ( swamp, lake, river, sea, castle, palace, dancing hut, cave, tower, cellar, museum, forest)

6. What happened? ( turned into, disappeared, cast a spell, found a magic wand, slept, had a fight with)

7. Who helped? ( a handsome rpince kissed her, Peter Pan hand a fight with Captain Hook, The wicked pirate fell into the sea and a big crocodile ate him up)

8. Happy end (and they lived happily ever after)

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