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помогите закончи предложение 1 the little boy saw a big dog he( to be afraid) of it 2 in which century did William nthe conqueror( to go) to London? 3

1-4 класс

nick has already (to became) a pilot 4 the bakers wife( to wake up) in the middle of the night and saw the fire 5 they (to build) a new country house yet? Спасибо огромное

Викуша88 02 дек. 2014 г., 12:50:03 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 дек. 2014 г., 15:07:51 (9 лет назад)

Was afraid
Woke up

+ 0 -
08 февр. 2016 г., 19:03:59 (8 лет назад)

Хуй мой ответ хууууййййй


Другие вопросы из категории


1) There, a lot of,were, in, children, park, the.
2) Tiny, didnot, his, visit, friends, yesterday.
3) When, will, you, repair, bike?

Выберите правильный вариант.обратите внимание на указатели времени: 1.we have/are having a lot of fun now. 2.we alwais have/are having a

lot of fun at the zoo.

3.look!the giraffe eats/is eating from the tree!

4.the giraffe usuallu eats/is eating from the tree.

5.the crocodiles cry/crying every day.

6.listen!the crocodiles cry/crying.

Помогите номера 1,2,3 срочно
в следущих предложениях говорится о том. что происходит сейчас раскрой скобки написав глаголы в правильной форме

Mrs bird (play) is playing thi piano
general smith (drive)........ home
little gimmy (sleep)...... after lunch
lily and ron simpson (finish)..... their work
mr and mrs biggs (take)......their grandchildren to the zoo.
My name is Fred and I (wash)........up.

Читайте также

КАК СДЕЛАТЬ ПОМОГИТЕ!!! Wake sentences complete. 1.The littele boy saw a big dog.He(to be afraid)of it 2.In

which century did William the Conqueror(to go)to London?

3.Nick has already(to become) a pilot.

4.The baker,s wife (to wake up)in the middle of the night and saw the fire.

5.They(to build)a new country house yet?


Think about what might happen next. Will the story have a happy ending?If yes - how will petey find the boy?if not - what will happen to petey?

Well, Petey ran on and on. Bui he couldn't find a dog who would give his boy away. Petey was very sad. His little legs were very tired. My mother was right, he thought. There isn’t a boy to be found [невозможнонайтимальчика). Just as it was getting dark, he came to a large building. Petey was walking by it slowly when he saw a sign: Home for Boys. “Maybe I could find a boy here!” said Petey to himself. “These boys have no parents, and no dog to take care of them." He walked slowly up to the home. He was so tired he could hardly lift his little paws (едвапереставлялсвоилапы). Then Petey stopped. He listened. He could hear music. He looked through the window. He saw a Christmas tree, and children singing carols (новогодниепесни).Then Petey saw something else. In front of the building, all by himself (совершенноодин), sat a boy! He was not a very big boy, and he looked lonely (одиноко), Petey gave a glad little cry. He forgot that he was tired. He jumped up and landed in the boy's lap (оказалсяпаколеняхумальчика). Sniff, sniff, went Petey's little nose. Wag, wag, went Petcy’s tail. He licked the little boy with his warm, wet tongue. How glad the boy was to see Petey! He put both his arms around the little dog and hugged him (обнялего). Then the front door opened and a lady looked out. “Why, here you are, Ricky!” she said, “What are you doing here all alone (совсемодин)? Come on in and sit near the Christmas tree.** Petey sat very still. The boy sat still* The boy looked up at the lady and down at Petey. Petey began to tremble (дрожать). Would the boy go in and leave him {броситего)1 *Tm not alone,” said the boy, “I've got a puppy.” “A puppy!” The lady came out and looked at Petey in surprise (удивленно).Can he come, too?" said the boy. “Why,” said the lady, ‘"you’re a nice little dog. Where did you come from? Yes, bring him in/' “Come on, puppy,” cried the boy. A lot of boys were playing around the Christmas tree. They rushed (бросилиськ) to Petey. They were so happy to see him. Petey wagged (вшч) his tail. He wagged his fat little body. He licked {облизал) every one of the boys. “Can we keep him?" said one, “Can we give him some dinner?” said another.“Can we make him a nice warm bed?” said a third. “We will give him some dinner and a nice warm bed,” said the lady.tomorrow we will find his mother and see if she'll let him stay," Petey knew his mother would let him slay. She knew how much he wanted a boy. “She’ll be surprised.” said Petey to himself, with a happy little smile, “when I lell her I got fifty boys for cristmasChristmas!"
ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПЛИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИЗЗЗЗЗ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Употреби глагол в нужном времени. 1)There (to be) a bookshelf with dictionaries in the classroom. 2)Next year I (to have) four lessons og

English every week.

3)Yesterday Hobbit (to go) shopping and he (to buy) a nice pen.

4)... you (to answer)the questions at the last lesson? - No,I...

5)My little sister (to go) to school in two years.


Употреби глагол в нужном времени. 1)There (to be) a bookshelf with dictionaries in the classroom. 2)Next year I (to have) four lessons og English every

week. 3)Yesterday Hobbit (to go) shopping and he (to buy) a nice pen. 4)... you (to answer)the questions at the last lesson? - No,I... 5)My little sister (to go) to school in two years. ПОМОГИТЕ,Я ВАС ПРОШУ!!!!! СЕГОДНЯ!!!!

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