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перевод предложения uncle harry came from australia

1-4 класс

Vklad 02 июня 2014 г., 17:32:15 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 июня 2014 г., 19:18:11 (10 лет назад)

Дядя Гарри приехал из Австралии

+ 0 -
02 июня 2014 г., 20:38:18 (10 лет назад)

Uncle Harry came from Australia. - Дядя Гарри приехал из Австралии.


Другие вопросы из категории

задание на 55 пунктов!!!

переведите текст

Помогите плииииз с английским!!!! заранее спасибо

1)Заверши разделительные вопросы
1.You teacher gives you mush homework
2.You like to stay in the hotel
3. My sisters are very smart
4. Mr Noodie has got a black horse
5. It is a wonderful day today
2)Придумай и запиши разделительные вопросы
1. ____________________,didn't you?
2. ____________________.are you?
3._____________________.don't you?
4._____________________ did you?
5._____________________.won't you?
6._____________________.can you?
7._____________________.haven't you?
8._____________________.weren't you?
3)Напиши что ты или твои друзья собираются(или не собираются) делать в следующих ситуациях
1.My friends are on holidays.They___________(travel) abroad
2.I don't have a toothache.I _________(not.see) the dentist
3.Tina's hair is dirty.She ______________(wash) it
4.I am very hungry now.I_______________(have) a big chicken for dinner
5. Nick is ill now.He ___________________(miss) lessons at school
6.The accommodation costs are very high.I____________(stay) with my friends
7. Mary and Bob are arranging a small party.They________(not,invite) many guests
8. My friends don't like cold weather.They _____________(now,visit) Arctic in winter
1. why are you going to spend your holiday in england?
2.what are you going to read in the evening?
3.where are you going to travel this weekend?

как читается слово cruel

Читайте также

Larry,s magic moments!Look and say -Это задание

1)Uncle Harry / cjme / from Ausralia. 2) Nanny / take us / to a safari
park. I / ride an elephant!
We / meet him / at the airportю



4) I / swm / for my school team.

I / win / a trophy!

Нужен перевод текста

My Uncle Harry`s forty years old.He`s tall with fair hair and blye eyes.Uncle Harry`s a vet. He 1) work/ works at the Animal Hospital in Stonebridge. Uncle Harry doesn`t 2) wear/wears a uniform, but he 3) wear/ wears a white coat. He 4) help/ helps sick animals. In his free time Uncle Harry likes 5) cook/cooking and 6) play/playing tennis. I 7)think/thinks my Uncle Harry is great.

Перевидите текст только без переводчика мне нужно чтобы не было до словно заранее спасибо!!!останусь в долгу..;)) Elizabeth 1 came to throne in

1558. She had many of her father's qualities including common sense and the strength of character. Like him, she understood the people. She loved hunting and dancing. She traveled a lot round the country. She wanted to know her people and to be known by them. Her soldiers and sailors admired her courage [мужество]. The universities were surprised at her leaning, for she could speak Latin, Greek and several modern languages. She enjoyed a joke. During her reign Queen Elizabeth solved her first problem, the Church. The Anglican Church under Elizabeth followed a middle course. Most people in Britain wanted what her father, Henry 8, had given them: a reformed Catholic Church that used the English language and was free from foreign influence. And they got what they wanted. Elizabeth's next problem was to keep her enemies quiet until her country was strong enough to defend itself. The greatest danger came from Spain. In July 1588 the Spanish Armada of 130 Spanish ships arrived in the Channel. The English ships were faster than slow Armada. The English guns could shoot farther. After the battle less than half of the proud Armada came back to its home ports. This defeat of Spain was very important for England, though some people said that the Spanish Armada was defeated more by bad weather than by English guns. During Queen Elizabeth’s reign England sent its explorers to different lands. They tried to find a quick way to India round the north of Russia. As a result they came to Archangelsk, were welcomed in Moscow and opened a new trade with Russia. England wanted to trade peacefully with other countries and to find empty lands where it could plant her own colonies. In those years the first Englishman sailed round the world.That was Francis Drake who in 1577 started for South America. He explored the coast of California and made his way across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, round Africa, and returned to England in 1580. Queen Elizabeth's reign was also famous for arts and theatre development. Elizabeth was a good musician herself. English music, especially church music, was then among the best in Europe.Many great men wrote poetry, drama was also famous. William Shakespeare's plays were written in the years of her reign and are a guide to the life of the period. They not only show to us how men in those times looked, talked and behaved but how they thought and felt.

Задали рассказ о родственнике...

Не могу перевести несколько предложений на англ, переводчик выдает билеберду.
Бабушка Нина повар. Она работает в кафе "Крошка Картошка" на Рязанском проспекте.
Теперь с англа, нам задали по образцу(+надо правильно выбрать):
I think/thinks my Uncle Harry is great!

Nanny,where does Uncle Harry work&?Well,lets go and see!Excuse me,wheres the Animal Hospital?Its in Bridge Street.Uncle Harry!Come on in!This is

Fifi!She needs an injection.Oh, shes so cute! Wheres Chuckles? I dont know! There he is! Behind the curtain! Ihs OK,Chuckles! You dont need an injection! можно пожалуйста перевод!!

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