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пожалуйста помогите придумать три вопроса по этому тексту (2 специальных и 2 общих) Television is an important part in our lives. Some people prefer

10-11 класс

spending their free time watching entertainment TV programmes while other viewers prefer educational and political programmes.People can watch many really exciting programmes: informational, musical, political, educational, sporting, for children and for adults. It’s enough difficult to say what programmes are most interesting. Modern TV offers various programmes on different channels such as: a series, soap opera, quiz show or game show, documentary, chat show, current affairs programme. In addition to last newscasts, viewers can see films and plays, ballets and operas, and all kinds of quizzes, contests, and other events.The political and informational programmes discuss important events of our state and abroad. Most of people like musical programmes as “MTV”, “New songs about main things”, and others because music helps to win through bad mood or to weather difficult times. Such programmes as “The Millionaire” and “The Dancing with the Stars” are entertaining and enjoyable.Schoolchildren can learn better biology, zoology, and geography by watching regularly such TV programmes as “The World of Animals”, “The Travellers Club”, “The Animals Planet”, which attract the attention of adult people, too.An interesting detective story, a good serial or a classical novel can sometimes keep the whole family watching TV for hours and hours.

мехрали 26 авг. 2014 г., 5:01:15 (9 лет назад)
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26 авг. 2014 г., 7:06:03 (9 лет назад)

Do any people prefer spending their free time watching entertainment TV programmes while other viewers prefer educational and political programmes?
Can people  watch many really exciting programmes: informational, musical, political, educational, sporting, for children and for adults?
What programmes discuss important events of our state and abroad?
Who can learn better biology, zoology, and geography by watching regularly such TV programmes as “The World of Animals”, “The Travellers Club”, “The Animals Planet”, which attract the attention of adult people?


Другие вопросы из категории

переведите текст, только не через переводчик.

5.В ящике лежат несколько тюбиков с краской.
6.В загорске много старинных церквей и величественных соборов. 7. На
переднем плане картины много света и красок. 8. Как много музеев и
театров в Санкт- Петербурге? 9. Как много масла в холодильнике?
Посмотри, он одет в спортивный костюм. 10.Президент США прибывает в
Москву завтра. 11.Обычно я езжу на автобусе, но сейчас я иду пешком.
12.Где Том? Он играет в теннис. 13.В Петербурге часто идёт дождь, но
сейчас светит солнце.14. В прошлые выходные мы не ходили по магазинам.
15.Ваши комнаты были большие и светлые? НЕт. 16.Сегодня утром мы
опоздали на занятия. 17. Вы закончили переводить текст? Да, я перевёл
его 20 минут назад.

Проверьте правильность,пожалуйста : Sasha and Kelly completely different life, and they are both not happy. sasha-old girl from a good caring family, but

she is always complaining. in my opinion it is very spoiled girl and her problems are not significant. Kelly is less fortunate. she is very lonely because I do not have dreams about semi.ona. Sasha did not appreciate. But with such a hard life she does not give up trying to be strong and not pathetic. Kelly deserves respect

Put the verbs in brackets the correct form. 1)I(pack)_____________________my suitcase now. 2)Who normally (pack)____________your father's suitcase? 3)As a

rule I (not save up)_______money. 4)What_____________you(save up)_________money for? 5)I (meet)_________________my friend tonight. 6)We never(meed)_____________on Sundays. 7)At the moment they(look)____________for their counsellors. 8)When Lisa(lose)__________a toy,she never(look)__________for it. 9)What___________you(do)___________?-I (wait)__________________for the next stopover. 10)Normally if Emily is lost,she never(cry)____________,but(wait)___________for her mum.

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Помогите пожалуйста срочно ответить на вопросы по этому тексту

1.What kind of book is the text taken from?
2.Have you read other books of that kind ?
what were your impressions?
3.Who are the main characters?
4.What is unusual about them ?
5.What do you think will happen in the part of the story you are about to read?

You are going to read a part of a story taken from the book /, Robot by Isaac Asimov. Robot Robbie is the nanny of a girl, Gloria. Huge Robbie and the little girl enjoy spending time together. They have a lot of things they like to do. Gloria invents funny and thrilling games that would not be as exciting without her friend, and Robbie likes listening to her amusing stories for hours. Even when Gloria tells him well-known fairy tales, it makes him feel delighted and he wants to listen to her stories again and again. He even agrees to be "a big silver air-coaster" for Gloria when she promises to tell him the story of Cinderella again. They have become very close friends and seem to understand each other very well. Gloria enjoys Robbie's company and the robot seems to be a very caring nanny for the girl.

'I am an only child and l live with my parents and my grandma, or 'babushka' as we say here in Russia. My grandpa passed away last year so

Babushkaleft her house in the country to come and live with us here in the city. When I was young I lived with my grandparents at their dacha and in many ways they were like parents to me. I don't see my parents as much as I would like, as they work long hours. Still, we've learnt to make the most of our time together, so there's never a dull moment in our house!'

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Пожалуйста, помогите ответить на вопросы, к этому тексту:

We live on a very small island with a mild climate and a history of centuries of efficient road-building. This is partly because we have excellent road-materials. We rarely have severe winter frosts that damage (портить) the roads very much, and we do not normally suffer from heat, drought or flooding.About 44% of the population spend time gardening. The climate is ideal. Most of us do not to grow vegetables, but home - grown vegetables taste better than those in shops. We also grown flowers and have a passion for lawns of grass which stay green throughout the year.It was the British who started the fashion for seaside holidays. Not surprisingly, nobody in Britain lives more than one hundred and twenty kilometers from the sea. The nearest holiday area of France is only three or four hundred kilometers away. Many families prefer to drive to the warm south and camp in comfortable campsites. Spain is also popular. It offers a wonderful climate.

Пожалуйста помогите)

Нужно выписать из текста глаголы страдательном залоге Passive Voice.
И ответить на вопросы что будут на фото)
is the most northern part of the island of Great Britain . Its population is
over 5 million people. Scotland was inhabited mainly by the Picts. In the 6th century,the
Scots from Ireland (or Scotia) settled in what is now Argyll, giving their name
to the present-day Scotland. During the 9th century ,the various parts of
Scotland united in defense against the Vikings. The powerful monarchy which
existed in England threatened Scottish independence throughout the Middle Ages.
In 1603 James 6 of Scotland become also James 1 of England when Queen Elizabeth
1 of England died without children. In 1651 Scotland was united with England,
although Scotland kept its own parliament. In 1797, both countries, realizing
the benefits of closer political and economic union , agreed on a single
parliament for Great Britain. The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between
England and Scotland. The greater part of Scotland is surrounded by see.
Scotland includes the Hebrides off the west coast and the Orkney and Shetland
Islands off the north coast. It is bounded by the North Sea on the east.
Scotland is divided into three parts: the Highlands, the Lowlands and the
Southern Uplands. The Highlands are among the oldest mountains in the world.
There are a lot of valleys and lakes in this region, the best known lake is
Loch Ness. Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands.
The biggest city is Glasgow. It is an important port in the United Kingdom.
Shipbuilding is the leading industry. But other industries such as iron and
steel, engineering and coal-mining are highly developed too. The capital of
Scotland is Edinburgh. It is the cultural center of Scotland.

Пожалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы))..хотя бы парочку ))...заранее спасибо)) 1. Imagine you are speaking at the environmental meeting in

our school. Say whether you are ecologically-conscious person or not and what you do to protect the environment.

2. Do you agree that everybody must take care of nature?

3. What is the ecological situation in our town (city/village) like? (Я живу в Бресте., Белаурусь)

4. What questions would you ask a famous scientist who tries to find the ways to solve environmental problems?

5. What would you say to a person who is indifferent to the environmental problems?


1. Представьте, что вы говорите на экологические встречи в нашей школе. Скажите ли вы экологически сознательный человек или нет, а то, что вы делаете, чтобы защитить окружающую среду.

2. Согласны ли вы, что каждый должен заботиться о природе?

3. Что такое экологическая ситуация в нашем городе (город / село), как? (Я живу в Бресте., Белаурусь)

4. Какие вопросы вы бы попросили известного ученого, который пытается найти пути решения экологических проблем?

5. Что бы вы сказали человеку, который равнодушен к проблемам окружающей среды?

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