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Exams are for many of us a real challenge

5-9 класс

Alievatamila800 02 мая 2013 г., 23:14:18 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 мая 2013 г., 0:33:39 (11 лет назад)

May be for you?
But as for me  this is hell !!

+ 0 -
03 мая 2013 г., 1:42:26 (11 лет назад)

Nope. Usually it's quite simple :)


Другие вопросы из категории

2.Russia has got its own musical places.

What would you tell your foreign friends about some musical places of Russia? Use the words from the box.

• annual
• ballets
• brass bands
• catchy, romantic and sentimental
• choral
• composer
• conductor
• first nights
• full houses
• opera houses
• took place
• was staged
• jazz

St Petersburg is known for its musical traditions. There are wonderful ___ like the Mariinsky Theatre.* Its famous Valery Gergiev* organises the ___ Easter Festival of classical music. The Mariinsky is famous for the ___ of outstanding Russian operas like Life for the Tsar (or Ivan Susanin), the first Russian national opera, by Mikhail Glinka.* It ___ in 1836.

The world-famous Russian ___ Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky* was born in the town of Votkinsk. His most famous works are the ___ Swan Lake,1 The Nutcracker2 and The Sleeping Beauty.3 His music is considered to be ___ .

The Russian ___ tradition is long. The first Russian folk choir was organised by Prince Yuri Golitsyn* in the village of Novocherkutino (now Lipetsk Region) in 1856.

Many Russians like ___ . The famous Oleg Lundstrem big band was founded in Harbin, China, by Oleg Lundstrem and his brother Igor in the 1930s. In 1947 the band came to live to Kazan, and in 1964 to Moscow. Their concerts have always been very popular and success-ful and they have often played to ___ .

In some Russian parks you can listen to ___. They are very popular among older people.

помогите перевести: your job at the moment.

people whom you love best of all.
заранее спасибо

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New Millennium English 6 класс
Unit 2 Lesson 7 Ex3,4

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пожалуйста перевод it’s a strange sensation. A new place that seems familiar an event that you’re sure has happened before. How many of us have had

this experience? Apparently over 70%. It’s called déjà vu and according to the experts it’s not something new but has been happening to people for hundreds of years!So, what explanations are there for this strange feeling that is both confusing and uncomfortable? Some scientists think it is related to dreams and memory. It appears that although the majority of us cannot recall our dreams, we actually store the memory of dreams inour long term memory. This deep memory can comeback sometimes when we are in a similar situation andmakes us think that we have done this before.However , as usual, not all experts agree. Those who believe in reincarnation – the idea that we have all lived before – say that these feelings are fragments of memories from previous lives. But, whatever the reasonfor déjà vu, one thing it does show is how complicatedand amazing our brains are and that we are a long way from understanding completely how the brain, and inparticular, how our memories work.

и Are the sentences true or false?

Choose 3 sentences where the underlined words are used correctly: 1. I have been smoking for many years and cannot get rid of this dreadful habit. 2.

She is going to be a teacher and to learn children. 3. Don’t expect sudden improvements from him within such a short period of time. 4. The lawyer offered us many suggestions to the problem. 5. The deaf and the dumb are taken control of in a specialized clinic. 6. They fell in love with each other at first sight.

Помогите хорошо перевести!!!! Full steam ahead. Nowadays, there most so many means of transport, from bicycles and buses to

sports cars and jet airplanes, that travellers arc spoilt for choice. In fact, many of us don't even think about how we travel; plane or train, it doesn't matter. Because, at the end of the day, it's just about getting from one place to the other.

There are, however, some means of transport that have made an impression on people and have taken their place in history. One means of transport that truly won the hearts of many Americans was the river steamboat. A steamboat, as its name indicates, is a boat that is powered by steam. The steam rotates a paddlewheel or propeller that in turn causes the boat to move forward.

In the 18th century, there were many attempts to build better vessels, but it wasn't until 1807 that the first successful steamboat, The Clermont, made a commercial voyage. These riverboats became popular in the next few years and were used to transport passengers and merchandise on the major rivers of America. The Mississippi River was especially known for its riverboats, and Mark Twain celebrated three steamboats in his book "Life on the Mississippi".

Steamboats have now disappeared from most American rivers, but they have become a symbol of the Mississippi River. Many people think of these boats when they hear the name Mississippi. Fortunately, a small number of them are being used today to offer river cruises so some people can get a feel of what it's like to travel by steamboat.

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст.

Some people have good memories, and can easily learn quite long poems by heart. But they often forget them almost as quickly as they learn them. There are other people who can only remember things after they repeated them many times but when they know them they don’t forget them.
Charles Dickens, the famous English writer, that be could walk down any long street in London and then tell you the name of every shop in it. Many of the great men of the world have wonderful memories.
A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when be is a small child, and some children – like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents – learn two languages almost as one. In school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little for it, and they are busy with other subjects as well.
The best way for most of us to remember things is to join them in our mind with something which we know already, or which we easily remember because we have a picture of it in our mind. That is why it is better to learn worlds in sentences, or to see, or do, or feel what a word means when we first use it.
The human mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photographs not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photograph with a camera, there is much to do before the photograph is ready. In the same way, there is much work to be done before a picture remains forever in the mind. Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.

Переведите текст. Только не через переводчик. Пожалуйста. It’s a wonderful world we live in. For thousands of years the Earth has given support to all

forms of life – human beings, animals, birds, fishes, insects and plants.But now human beings are killing our planet.Many species of animals and birds have disappeared. Millions of animals die every year because man has polluted their natural homes. Besides, every year people cut down more trees, build more roads, and use more land for farming. This leaves fewer jungles, fields and forests for wildlife.The country air, once clear and fresh, now may be polluted by power stations and factories. Some of our rivers are now empty of fish. And in some rivers you can even see a sick foam(пена) caused by chemical waste.All over the world the forests are disappearing. People cut the trees down because they need wood and paper or new places for farms and houses. Forests the size of Belgium are destroyed every year. It’s an international disaster. Even if new trees are planted, it takes many years for them to grow.Go to the seaside and you’ll see the pollution around you. There is a lot of litter on the beaches. Some of it was left by people and some was brought by the water.Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.We live among litter and wastes which we have created ourselves – fumes of cars, throwaway packaging, etc. People don’t just pollute the environment. They pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food. These are some of the world’s most serious environmental problems. And it’s no good pretending they don’t exist – they do. What’s more, they are getting worse all the time. What will happen if we don’t try to solve these problems? Scientists have made predictions and they are alarming.

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