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Read the text. Whick paragraph tells you about. .

5-9 класс

Streetkiller1488 28 июля 2014 г., 2:40:58 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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28 июля 2014 г., 3:29:46 (9 лет назад)

прочитай  текст.Какие  пункты  говорят  тебе  об этом.



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На английский переведите плз предложение

Я хочу, что бы эту статью напечатали в завтрашней газете.

Work in groups of four. descride the new years celebrations to guide you .

1 When does your city/town/village begin to prepare for New Year?
2Are there any decorations in the streets? 3 How do people prepare for New Years eve? 4 What do people usually do during New Years Eve ? 5 Do you like the holiday? Why? надо ответить на вопросы и перевести помогите

Form the necessary derivatives from the words on the right and complete the sentences.

1.The sun is shining in the clear blue ... sky .(cloud)
2.The people who met us were ... and ... .We didn't like them (friendly, hospitable)
3.He has always been an ... successful person (extreme)
4.A very slender and ... dancer appeared on the stage.
5.Such clothes are not ... for official meetings (suit)
6.Most of the dry land in Australia is ... (inhabited)
7.Among extraordinary Australian birds you can find ... coloured parrots (Brilliant)
8.It is ... today (mist)

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Read the text and number paragraphs A-E in the correct order. TheRead the text and number paragraphs A-E in the correct order.

The teenager who changed world history
A. Franz Ferdinand was the direct cause of the First World War, which started the same year, and which resulted in the deaths of nine million soldiers. The war ended in 1918 with the Treaty of Versailles, which was very unfavourable to Germany. This, in turn, resulted in Germany going to war again in 1939, a war in which approximately 60,000,000 people around the world lost their lives.
B. For example, do you know who Gavrilo Princip was? Probably not. He was a Serb, born in Bosnia in 1894 and was one of nine children, six of whom died when they were very young. Gavrilo's health was also very bad and he suffered from tuberculosis. He studied in Belgrade where he spent most of his time with nationalists who wanted a union between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia. He died when he was just 24 years old.
C. The Second World War ended with the Treaty of Yalta in 1945 which led to the division of Eastern Europe, which eventually led to the conflict in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Possibly no other person has had so much impact on world history over the last century than the sickly teenager, Gavrilo Princip.
D. History tells us about famous leaders, Kings and Queens, but what about the great changes which have been caused by one small act carried out by a relatively unknown person?
E. So why is he so important? Well, Gavrilo Princip is the boy who, at the age of 19, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914. Franz Ferdinand was going to be the next Austro-Hungarian emperor and the nationalists wanted their country to be independent from the empire. After shooting and killing the Archduke in his car, Gavrilo was captured by the police and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. But he died in prison of tuberculosis in 1918.

Вопрос №10 Read the text. Choose 3 true sentences below it. Lara: Hello, Jack, good to see you. I was just going to call you. You know the play I’m

preparing with my class? Would you be able to play one of the roles? Jack: Why me? I haven’t been in a play for years. Lara: Well, unless I find somebody soon, I may have to give up the whole idea. And it would be such a pity, come on, I thought you loved acting… Jack: When I was about ten, yes, I did. But that’s all changed now. And my voice is not as good as it used to be. Lara: Of course it is! It’s improved, in my opinion. Isn’t it funny! I hated being in plays when I was a child, I’d do anything to avoid acting, and look at me now, I’m a full time drama teacher. Jack: Yes, I often wonder why you didn’t become an actor rather than a teacher. You seemed to have all the qualities… Lara: Yes, it makes me sad to think about it. I’d be earning lots of money now. Anyway, about that part in my play. How about this? I’ll send you a copy of the play and you can have a look at it and then you can decide… Jack: I’ll do that, but I can’t promise I’ll say yes, OK? Now, listen, why don’t you have the play a week later? That would give you time to find an actor and … Lara: Oh, that would disappoint everyone, I can’t do that. We’ll talk again after the weekend. I must go now. Do give me a call. Bye! Jack: Bye! I’ll call you on Monday. 1. Lara is confident that her play will be a success. 2. Jack enjoyed acting when he was a child. 3. Lara thinks that Jack’s voice was better when he was younger. 4. Jack expected Lara to have a successful career in acting. 5. Jack agrees to spend time reading the play. 6. Lara will try to change the date for the play.

Read the text and complete it using the right forms of the verbs !!!!! ДАЮ 20 БАЛЛОВ!!!! -The traveller СРОЧНО!!!!

1) -A man once went to Greece. When he (come ) home he (begin ) (tell) tales about his trip. He (speak) about the things he (done). One day he (tell) his friends he (take) part in jumping-match. " I (win) it. Just (go) to Greece and ask them. Everyone (tell) you it is true.".But one of his friends who (listen) to him said,"if you can jump as well as that, we need not go to Greece. Let is (imagine) this is Greece for a minute . And now-jump!"

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Who are the Druids?

2. What do people in Robin’s time do in autumn and in winter?

3. What are autumn and winter in Scotland like?

4. What do people in Robin’s time do in spring and summer?

5. What are spring and summer in Scotland like?

6. What are the special days for the Druids?

7. Why are they special?

8. Do people remember these special days nowadays?

9. How do people celebrate them?

Misha: Do you have magical holidays, Robin? Can you tell me about them?
Robin: Well, where do I start, Misha? I come from Scotland and my great-grandparents were the Druids. The Druids are magical people. They can speak to the trees and to animals. They can fly and see into the future. They say that a year has two halves: a light half (spring and summer) and a dark half (autumn and winter).
The weather in Scotland is usually cool, but spring and summer are often nice. It is never hot, but it can be quite warm. It sometimes rains, but we also get some sun. The nights are short and the days are long. People work in the fields. Children lie in the sun and play in the woods.
But autumn and winter in Scotland are very cold. The weather is bad. In autumn it often rains and in winter it snows and rains,

Read the letter again and answer the questions 1. where did Dima spend his summer holidays? 2. why did Dima like his holidays? 3. what did Dima do during

his stay in Boldino? 4. when did his friends make a fire? 5. what do you know about Boldino?
Dear Julia Thank you for your message. I think it s a great idea to visit you in London.All of us will be happy to get the invitation letter very
soon.What can l tell you about my holidays? They were great! I spent my holidays in Doldino. My granny has a country hjuse there.Boldino is near Nizhniy Novgorod, one of the oldest Russian cities.Many years ago Alexander Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, ...(live) in Boldino. He created about 60 tales, poems and novels there. Now there is a tradition to celebrate" Boldino autumn" when many poets go there and recite their poems. The weather ... (be) fine every day. My friends and l spent a lot of time outdoors. We...(swim), played and rode our bikes.We also picked berries and gathered mushrooms in the nearby forest. In the evening we usually... (make) a fire, played the guitar and..(sing) songs. I..(take) a lot of photos of my friends and me.This one is for you. I hope you ll recognise me. You know l have a sweet tooth, so l asked my granny to make some cherry jam.I..(help) her a little to make it.I ll take some of it to London with me and you ll get a chance to taste it. Sending you best wishes from Jim and all of my classmates,Dmitriy.

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