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напишите плз сочинение на английском 100-150 слов на тему The Pros and Cons of Cycle Lanes или The Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping Animals in

10-11 класс

Zoos или Recycling Paper in School

Lubovigjhg 10 авг. 2013 г., 5:35:41 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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10 авг. 2013 г., 6:49:35 (10 лет назад)

Advantage: Education

One of the central advantages --- at least in terms of human advantages --- lay in the education that people receive when visiting a zoo. They receive firsthand knowledge of how animals behave and act. Most zoos also provide interactive shows with some of the animals during specific times throughout the week. Surrounding the exhibits, zoos usually have information describing the animal, its history and natural location. Learning about animals also brings empathy to many people, raising awareness about their endangerment in the wild, which can often be attributed to human causes.

Advantage: Breeding

Zoos often take an active approach in helping animal populations. For dwindling species, many zoos breed captive species in an attempt to increase the numbers. After raising sufficient numbers of the populations, the animals can then be released into the wild in an attempt to encourage population growth. Many animals have been tremendously helped this way, including famous zoo residents such as the white tiger and panda bear.


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B) The lady was surprised. She smiled and explained that this was Balzacs own exercise book which he used when he was a little boy.

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E) He decided to tell the truth. The boys exercise book showed that it was written by a bad , lazy fellow with no respect to other people.

F)She told him that the boy wasnt her son and asked him to tell her the truth. Balzac studied the boys handwriting very carefully.

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сочинение на английском!!!

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Я учусь в 11 классе 29 школы. В школе мне больше всего нравится проводить время со своими друзьями и ходить на математику и русский язык.
Дополните, пожалуйста, сочинение и переведите этот отрывок, который я написала на английский язык. Спасибо большое тем, кто хоть как-то поможет!!! :))))

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