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напишите текст про зоопарк 15 предложений на английском

1-4 класс

Oramis 28 июля 2014 г., 5:34:06 (9 лет назад)
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28 июля 2014 г., 6:46:48 (9 лет назад)

We have a very long think of going to the zoo, but the nature of delaying the joy of their spring rains and bad weather. And then came the long-awaited spring warm Sunny day, an for the trip to the zoo. Our little girl Марианночке at that moment there were 11 months of age, when all the unknown interesting, every day is a new discovery, I want to learn everything and be everywhere. And the zoo is a great way to bring the baby along with other new world, the world of animals. Taking with him some fertilizer for the animals, we went... The first people we saw were the ducks swimming in the pond, the daughter they made a great impression, she loves to swim, was ready to join them. Then we watched the bears (brown and white bears, wolves, monkeys (white armed Gibbons, chimpanzees, orangutan, gorilla), tigers and lions. With regard to the lions, we found a surprising picture: attempts lion care for the woman of fashion, it's a special ritual - they make sounds Reva, thus drawing the attention of all visitors of the zoo. Another Marianna impressed ostrich. As we came closer, ostriches begun to raise their own delightful tails of the us laugh. And one страусенок drew attention to the girl, and some time they looked at each other, apparently, could not understand that and who it is! Our journey continues.... then we got in a section of the aquarium, which features a variety of underwater inhabitants - from fish to rare freshwater stingrays and crabs from South America. In the cage saw crocodiles from South-East Asia, a variety of turtles (and even very tiny turtles, who ate cabbage - it was so wonderful to watch all happening), as well as a snake Central Asia, Africa, America and other exotic reptiles. Enjoyed the chirping of parrots which was more than 1000 pieces, and they all were talking at the same time. Hear it was amazing!


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3. My friends take exams. 4. Tanya started school at the age of five. 5. The headmaster explains the things clearly. 6. I am worrying about you. 7. I had a meal in the canteen. 8. I shall enjoy the nature.


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