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Помогите прошу, Have you got a good memore ? When did you last: play hide-and-seek or hopscotch?

1-4 класс

Alinafominyx 23 июня 2014 г., 11:36:48 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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23 июня 2014 г., 13:54:46 (9 лет назад)

У вас хорошая память  ? Когда ты последний раз: играл в прятки или в классики?  
memory - пишется вот так .


Другие вопросы из категории

Задание 1 Вставь пропущеные слова что тайни делал на каникулах. Last summer Tiny______a big fish Last summer Tiny______books Last

summer Tiny______the flowest

Last summer Tiny______a picnic with his friends

Задание 2

Выбери првельное слово.Обведи соответствующую букву

Jill and___to the country every summer

a.)go b.)went c.)will read

He___this fairy tale tomorrow

a.)reads b.)read c.)will read

He is from Spain

She has got a doll collection
I am ten years old

Составте предложения из данных слов.

1.hand, got, a, have, I, nice, my, in, left, ball.
2.sing, a, bird, song, tree, in, the, nice, can
3.ice cream, bag, take, an, my, out of, open, and, it.
4.ill, bed, when, am, in, I, I am.
5, parents, very, are, my, kind.

Читайте также

Have you got many toys?

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How many dolls (cats...)have you dot?
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Who do you like to play with...?
как ответить по английски на эти вопросы?Помогите,пожалуйста!

Read and complete. use or any 1. she.s got some biscuits 2 they havent got.. orenge juise 3 have they got... pasta 4have they got...popcorn 5 we havent

got... Coke 6 have you got ... milk 7 they ve got... cake8 i havent got... rise помогите пожалуйста выполнить задание

1. She's got some biscuits. 2,They haven't got,any,,orange juIce. 3.Have they got.any..pasta? 4.He's got..some.popcorn. 5.We haven't got.any..Coke.

6.Have you got.any..milk? 7.They've got.some..cake. 8.I haven't got..any.rice. Помогите первести текст и вставит пропущенные слова?

Помогите пожалуйста! Нужно перевести, и перечислить подарки Рекса. We have got a pet. It,s a nice big black dog. It,s name is Rex. rex i

s three. Rex,s birthday is on the 28th of February. We have got a big birthday parti. Rex,s friends come to see us. They are a red and white cat Mussy, a grey dog Doggie,and a white rabbit Patrick. They play hide-and-seek. They have got a birthday cake, meat for Doggie, ham for Rex, carrots for Patrick and fish for Mussy. They are happy. Rex has got alot of presents - a red ball, a nice teddi bear and a bone. Happy birthday to you, Rex!

Ответь На вопросы:

1.When is Rex,s birthday?

2.How old is Rex?

3. Who comes to see Rex?

4. What have they got to eat?

5. Why are the friends happy?

Заранее спасибо!

Что вставить? just, yet, already, never, ever, recently, lately. 1. He has ... been to Canada. 2. Have you had a holiday ...? 3. Have they ... eaten the

new cafe? 4. I haven't heard from my cousin ... . 5. Have you seen any good perfomances ...? 6. Have they called you ...? No, they haven't called me .... . 7. He has ... been to the Tretyakov Gallery.

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