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Вставь слова или предлоги 1) In winter the days are ... than in summer.It`s ... in summer than in spring.Summer is the ... season of the year. 2). The

1-4 класс

Dog is ... animal. Monkeys are ... than cats. Elephants and dolphins are the ... animals.

Lina175 11 янв. 2014 г., 15:25:15 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 янв. 2014 г., 17:10:13 (10 лет назад)

1) In winter the days are shorter than in summer.

     It`s warmer in summer than in spring.

     Summer is the hottest season of the year.


2). The Dog is a good animal. Monkeys are funnier than cats. Elephants and dolphins are the cleverest animals.

+ 0 -
09 февр. 2017 г., 12:46:22 (7 лет назад)

It's(warmer/colder) in spring than in winter.


Другие вопросы из категории

складіть словосполучення і речення з цих слів

1. A man, a dog, and.
2. A lamp, a bed, and.
3. A pont, is, it.
4. It is, apple, a bad.
5. A big, a little, and, cap, hat.

Подчеркни правильное слово.

1. What’s he/his phone number?
2. She/Her favourite subject is English.
3. The children like they/their school.
4. Is it you/your pencil case?
5. Its/It’s my room.
6. We/Our are a happy family.
7. Where are they/their now?
8. This is my pet. It’s/Its name is Fluffy.

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста. Нужно вставить пропущенные слова. 1) In winter the days are ... than in summer. 2) It is ... in summer than in


3) Summer is the ... season of the year.

4) ... is the coldest season of the year.

5) In ... the ... fall down from the ...

6) I think it is ... in the forest in autumn.

7) It is warm in ... and in ...

Как переводится. I like winter very much. In winter the days are short. But they are often sunny. It is sometimes snowy in winter. Trees are white and

roads are white, too. That's fantastic! When the weather is snowy, I go skiing. I like skiing very much. I like sunny, frosty weather. We play snowballs and make a snowman. In winter i usually put on my warm coat and my hat. But when it is very cold, I don't go out to play.

Напишите английские слова русскимиНапишите английские

слова русскими буквами(но не перевод)

Seasons and weather.

are 4 seasons in a year.They are winter,spring,summer and
autumn.December,January and February are winter months.The weather is cold and
snowy in winter.The days are short,the nights are long.People ski,skate and
sledge in winter.Children play hockey and snowballs and make
snowmen.March,April and May are spring months.Snow meits.Birds fly back from
hot countries.We can see the first flowers in the fields and forests.June July
and August are summer months.The weather is hot and sunny.The days are long,the
nights are short.Children have holiday and they can play football,basketball
and badminton.There are a lot of
flowers,birds,butterflies.September,October,November are aututmn months.The
weather is often rainy, cloudy and cool. The trees are red,yellow and
orange.Birds fle away.Children go to school.

Напишите английские словаНапишите английские слова русскими буквами.(Но не перевод на русский язык)

Seasons and weather.

are 4 seasons in a year.They are winter,spring,summer and
autumn.December,January and February are winter months.The weather is cold and
snowy in winter.The days are short,the nights are long.People ski,skate and
sledge in winter.Children play hockey and snowballs and make
snowmen.March,April and May are spring months.Snow meits.Birds fly back from
hot countries.We can see the first flowers in the fields and forests.June July
and August are summer months.The weather is hot and sunny.The days are long,the
nights are short.Children have holiday and they can play football,basketball
and badminton.There are a lot of
flowers,birds,butterflies.September,October,November are aututmn months.The
weather is often rainy, cloudy and cool. The trees are red,yellow and
orange.Birds fle away.Children go to school.

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