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Complete the sentences. Use must + one of these verbs:

10-11 класс

ЖенаКошкиКакашки 04 нояб. 2013 г., 22:12:11 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 нояб. 2013 г., 0:14:04 (10 лет назад)







+ 0 -
05 нояб. 2013 г., 1:26:27 (10 лет назад)

must meet;must wash;must learn;...;must go; must be


Другие вопросы из категории

Вставьте face, countenance, complexion

1. The girl was thin and had a sharp, bird-like ... .
2. His ... expressed astonishment.
3. The lady praised the old gentleman's bronzed ... .
4. He looked so fanny that I found it difficult to keep my ... .
5. He must have had bad news, flashed through Arthur's mind, as he looked anxiously at Montanelli's haggard ... .
6. A fair ... is typical of all the women of his clan.

Переведите предложения на английский язык,обращая внимание на употребление сложного дополнения.

2.Слышали ли вы:
как я переводил их беседу?
как она вышла из комнаты?
как мы вошли в комнату?
как мы отвечали на вопросы преподавателя?
как они стучали в дверь?
как она играет на рояле?
как они обсуждают этот вопрос?
как она пыталась закрыть окно.
как вы плаваете.
как вы переплыли реку и вернулись обратно.
как незнакомец скрылся за углом.

Ребята, всем привет.

Буду очень благодарен, если поможете мне исправить ошибки в этом тексте.

I rejoice in every detail, like a child. I love play guitar, listen to good music (mostly rock, indie pop, house and trance music), taking pictures of EVERYTHING. By myself, I positive, sociable, cheerful man. I can't stand mannerisms, bad attitude towards themselves, stupid peoples and... Gossips. Gossip - the worst thing that can be in this world. It makes no difference who you are - the guy or girl, black or white. What am I looking for? Hard question. Just write to me. Also I really like hugs. And as you can see, I love English language. EVERYTHING that is connected with England makes me happy.

P.S. Исправляйте все неправильно написанные фразы, если нужно. Можно менять местами предложения. Очень срочно нужно

Читайте также

Complete the sentences using must or a form of have to/have got to.In former days people who wanted to discuss something ______ gather on special days in

some special place.Analysing the situation we can say that we will inevitably ______ nominate election candidate or to discuss legislative proposals in advance of formal proceedings.______ you ______leave tomorrow? I’d prefer you to stay.The list of the selected applicants is too long, I think I ______ choose only one of them for the final interview.You ______ ask permission any time you want to make some changes, it is inevitable.We don’t _______ agree to any change, as we operate within a frame work of rules and constraints. You ______ pack these things very carefully, they are fragile.At a meeting participants ______ quickly decide what policy they are willing to accept.In order to draw the support from the ranks of the poor and disadvantaged (in urban societies, the working classes) the “Left” will ______ promise to change, in the form of either social reform or wholesale economic transformation.

6.4. Complete the sentences. All of them are

negative. Use don't/doesn't + one of these
verbs: cost go know read see use wear
1. I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes
I don't read it.
2. Paul has a car but he.........it very often.
3. They like films but they.........to the cinema
very often.
4. Amanda is married but she.........a ring.
5. I.........much about politics. I'm not
interested in it.
6. It's not an expensive hotel It.........much to
stay there.
7. Brian lives near us but we.........him very

IV. Choose the right form to complete the sentences. 6 points

1. John lost his keys. If John (didn’t lose / hadn’t lost) his keys, he would (get/ have got) in his flat easily.
2. If Nick (is, was, were, had been) a wise man, he (would agree, would have agreed, agreed) then.
3. Of the three books I like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”(less/ least).
4. She was crying in her room quietly then.
She was crying then quietly in her room.
She was crying quietly in her room then.
Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals. 5 points 1. Have you ever tasted cheese - … crisps? FLAVOUR
2. Alice … , if ever , goes out. RARE
3. The Headmaster of the school was a white – haired, … gentle man. DIGNITY
4. Did he talk to you … or was he interested in your plan ? DIFFERENT
5. The … and … children walked across the street. BARE

Use these verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences Go,

use these verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences
Go, see, watch, do, work, listen, want.
1.I... to make a cake. Have you got four eggs?
2.We... to the theatre.Do you want to join us?
3. I can not call mother now. She... TV.
4.Where is Sam?-He... on the computer.
5.Plese be quiet. I... my homework.
6.I can not find my book.- Oh, I... it. It is under your bed.
7. What is this noise?- Jack... to his favourite music.

1. Complete the sentences with a past participle from the task 1.

A) Have you ever won the prize?
B) I have ___two e-mails.
C) Have you ever ____anything online?
D) Have you ever ____anyone famous?
E) My brother has ____to Astana.
F) Ann has ____her classmate with her homework.
G) My mother has ____a letter to her schoolfriend.
H) I`m not hungry. I have just ____breakfast.
I) Mary has ____an interesting book.
J) I have ____a singer from A-Studio.
2. Write this sentence using the First Conditional with these words:
We, our, the future, care for, a lot of, don`t, problems, if, have, generation, world, will, health.
Если мы не будем заботиться о нашем мире, у будущего поколения будет много проблем со здоровьем.
3. Complete this sentence using the Second Conditional.
If I ____a forester, I ________trees every year. (but I`m not a forester, I don`t plant trees every year)
4. Put in like or as.
A) It`s raining again. I don`t like weather ____this.
B) A few years ago she worked ____a secretary.

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