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Yesterday, I went to the department store Nadia. I wanted to buy hoodie. It is my favourite bargain. I gave many shop assistant. She put money in the cash

5-9 класс

machine. I am glade my bargain...Перекладіть будь ласка текст

Світлана10 12 мая 2013 г., 13:16:01 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 мая 2013 г., 15:34:21 (11 лет назад)

Вчора я пішов в універмаг Надя. Я хотів купити толстовку. Це мій улюблений угода. Я дав багато продавщицю. Вона поклала гроші в банкоматі. Я галявині мою угоду.


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Пожалуйста переведите стих так, что бы была рифма очень надо!!

The sun, the trees, the grass,the sky
The silver moon that's sailing by
The rain and dew and snowflakes white
The flowers sweet and stars at night
The songs of birds, wind whispering
The autumn leaves, the buds of spring
Such lovely things to hear and see
Belong to you, belong to

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с русского на английский

safety rules in the public transport .

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Mark: Being teenagers a complicated and complex experience.
Not only are there mysterious and frightening changes in our bodies, but our
thoughts and feelings are taking on a new direction. Even self-perception is
slowly changing and we start seeing ourselves in a new (and not always
positive) light.We say and do things that we don't want to, or don’t mean to

Switch ....... the lights.

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I went to the kitchen

And helped Mummy cook,
Helped Mummy cook,
Helped Mummy cook.
I went to the kitchen
And helped Mummy cook,
When she made the dinner.
I went to the garden
And helped Daddy there,
Helped Daddy there,
Helped Daddy there.
I went to the garden
And helped Daddy there,
When he worked in the garden.
I went to the Granny's
And helped her to sew,
Helped her to sew,
Helped her to sew.
I went to my Granny's
And helped her to sew
When she made me a dress.
I went with my Granddad
And helped him to fish,
Helped him to fish,
Helped him to fish.
I went with my Granddad
And helped him to fish
When he went to the river(как читать напишите стих вот так например слово helo-хело

поставить в будущем времени.On Tuesday I got up at half past six. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and face and cleaned my teeth. Then

I dressed, went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son got up and had breakfast. I had breakfast with my son. My son ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea. I didn't drink tea. I drank coffee. After Breakfast my son left home for school. I didn't leave home with my son. On Tuesday I didn't work in the morning. I worked in the afternoon. In the evening I was at home. My husband and my son wereat home, too. We rested in the evening. My son watch­ed TV, my husband read newspapers and I did some work about the house. At about eleven o'clock we went to bed.

Goodbye,summer! I think my summer holidays were wonderful this year.I had a lot of fun.In June my family and i went to the Black Sea.We stayed three weeks

at a hotel in Sochi.The weather was hot and sunny,and we went to the beach every day.We swam a lot and stayed in the sun.My father taught me to boat,and we often went boating and fishing early in the morning.In July we came back to Moscow.My parents began working and I made a trip to St.petersburg to visit my grandfather who lives there.My sister Lena went to Yaroslavl to stay with our cousin Marina.Lena and I to some interesting places in and near Moscow.We were in the Kremlin museums,the pushkin Museums and in Archangelskoe.We were going to go to Vladimir too but couldnt.The weather was terrible that day,it rained and it was very windy and cold.In the middle of August Lena and I went to London ti visit the Barkers and we had a wonderful time there.Now I am back at school and happy to see my friends again.In simmer I made a lot of pictures.I am going to send some to London,my friends John Barker Переведите пожалуйста

The following sentences are direct speech. complete each sentence below using reported speech1)Nick I went to the zoo three days ago

2)The doctor I am goting to take your blood pressure in a minute,Sam
3)Mother: I have already washed up
4)Liz Helen we shall see each other tomorrow
5)Paul Have you read this newspaper yet?
6)Victor What did you buy yesterday?
7)Sally Mom turn the light on plese
8)I am sorry I m late.I lost my way he said to our guide
9)He said A im living in London now
10)Marry said I went to London with my sister

нужно отметить галочкой правильное 1.Did you have a nice weekend? a) yes ,i have. i've been to the theatre.

b) yes ,i do . i like it a lot.
c) yes i did and what about you?

a) what did you do yesterday?
b) why not go to the museum tomorrow?
c)) what were you doing there?
2. went to the museum of London*

a)have you been to Hyde Park?*
b) did you like Hyde Park?
c) why not go to the park?
3. i,d lake to

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