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прошу помогите прошу прошу прошу прошу

1-4 класс

завтра самостоятельная
номер 1
прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу мне срочно надо до завтра

Maksimfilonov 15 окт. 2014 г., 20:45:12 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 окт. 2014 г., 23:22:29 (9 лет назад)

c)clean наверно будет

+ 0 -
16 окт. 2014 г., 1:21:13 (9 лет назад)

clean будет или make

+ 0 -
16 окт. 2014 г., 2:39:05 (9 лет назад)

1)a;2)b or a;3)c;4)b;5)c;6)c


Другие вопросы из категории

1.My dog (have/has) a puppy. 2.Our dog (swim/swims) well. 3.Your mother (swim/swims) well. 4,His mother (don`t/doesn`t) skate.

5,Her father (ski/skis) well.

6,His sister (run/runs) well.

7,His sisters (don`t/doesn`t) swim well.

8.Your dog (don`t/doesn`t) jump.

9.Thtir cat (play/plays).

10.Their cats (play/plays).

11.Ann doesn`t (like/likes) apples.

12.Tom (like/likes)oranges.

13.Tom and Ann (like/likes) sweets.

14.Yor and Tom (don`t/doesn`t) play.

15.Your aunt (swim/swims).

16.Your uncle doesn`t (skate/skates).

17.Their uncle(ski/skis)well.

18,My uncle (don`t/doesn`t)swim.

19.Her sisters don`t (skate/skates).

20.Her mother doesn`t (skate/skates).


Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. 1) It (to be) __________ rainy today. It (to be) __________ sunny yesterday. 2) Pam (to ride)

_________ her bike every Sunday. Yesterday she (to ride) ________ her bike in Green Park. 3) My friends usually ( to swim) _______ in the swimming pool at 5 o'clock. Yesterday they (to swim) ____________________ there at 7. 4) His sisters usually (to run) _____________________ in the park in the morning. Last year they (to run) ____________ near the river. 5) He (to read) ______________ books every evening. Two days ago he (to read) ____________________ a book about France.

перевидите hi my name is Jill, I love to play ball sing dance and read books in school I was very clever in the morning at home, I love to eat cake with

pink icing, they are very good! I have lunch at school at twelve zero zero and in the evening I go to the ballet with her ​​dog smoey Yokoi and John and I have a house cat lives washi I live on the second floor in my room at my house the third lot of gamesβββββββββββββββββββββ

Читайте также

задание такое прошу помогите .. : Put the verbs in the correct form , referring them to the present , past or future. 1. They ... a lot in their Music

lrsson last Thursday . (to laugh) 2. She ... us tomorrow , won"t she? (to leave) 3. You always ... well . (to coun) 4.Shell I san you & (to join) 5. We ... a lot in out Music lesson yesterday (to sing) 6. They ... much , as their work is difficult (to work) Прошу помогите мне . Прошу вас люди ......... (скажу спс и сделую лучшим ответом 1 )


Сочините рассказ на английском языке о своём городе и стране.
НАЧНИТЕ ТАК: дома очень высокие в городе.

Помогите плиз прошу : Write what the people and anials have got\haven't got.Пример:i've got a doll but i haven't got a boll 1)Nick likes to read.He

...many books.2).. you ... any butter on the table?3)These dogs ... many puppis4)I ... any bread. Let's go shopping.5)She ... milk. She can't drink white coffe.6) "What's wrong?" "I ... something in my eye."7)Pussy is a big black cat. It ... many funny kittens.Прошу помогите очень надо!

Прошу, помогите!:(

Составьте 5 предложений Pr.Simple, 5 предложений Future Simple, 5 предложений Pust Simple, и к ним по 5 типов вопросов ПРОШУ!;(

прошу помогите напишите мне 1) столицу Канады

2)столица Америки
3)столицу Бристона
4)столицу Испании
5)столицу Польши.
6)столицу Италии
7)столицу Китая
8)столицу Японии
9)столицу Австралии
Прошу напишите хотя бы что знаете пишите так:
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