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Помогите написать письмо Санта Клаусу на английском языке с переводом)))

5-9 класс

Kim3 13 февр. 2015 г., 2:02:45 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 февр. 2015 г., 3:40:34 (9 лет назад)

Hi Santa I was good girl all this year
That's why I want some presents from you


Другие вопросы из категории

I. For each blank in this letter, choose the best variant. Mark it. 30 th June. Dear Auntie Mabel, Thank you vеry much (1) _______ inviting me to stay

with you for a week (2) _______ the holidays. It is very (3)_________ of you. I'd like to very much. I always like staying at your home in Scotland because it is so (4) __________there. (5) ___________flat we live in here in Heathrow is very nice but (6) ______is very noisy sometimes. Planes landing at Heathrow International airport often (7) ______ right over us. (8) _______is a factory near us, too, (9)_______ makes a lot of noise sometimes. (10) _______ is Uncle George? I hope he is feeling a little better now. We were very sorry to hear about his (11) ______. I (12) _______ a picture for him and I (13)__________ it with me when I visit you. Mother and Father send him (14)________best wishes and (15) ________ he will soon be better. Thank you again (16)________ inviting me. Love, Mary 1) A. to B. for C. by D. on 2) A. on B. for C. in D. with 3) A. grateful B. kind C. pleasing D. well 4) A. silence B. peace C. quiet D. hopeful 5) A. A B. The C. That D. Those 6) A. she B. he C. there D. it 7) A. flew B. have flown C. are flying D. fly 8) A. One B. It C. There D. That 9) A. which B. and C. as D. but 10) A. What B. When C. How D. Why 11) A. sick B. illness C. badness D. ill 12) A. have painted B. paint C. painting D. are painting 13) A. bring B. ‘ll bring C. brought D. have brought 14) A. his B. her C. their D. your 15) A. hope B. hoping C. hoped D. will hope 16) A. to B. for C. at D. by

Write.Fill in the article (a. an. the) or-where necessary

1........mountains in......... Snowdonia National Park are over 400 million. ....... Snjwdon is ........ highest mountain in Wales. There are ........ beautiful valleys and...... lakes there. ....... Welsh language and cultre is important to local people.

2....... South Downs will become...... National Park soon. ....... white chalk rock underground has formed ..... wonderful hills and valleys with ....... beautiful rivers. ...... grassland has ...... lot of flowering plants ...... coastline has ....... nice beaches and cliffs


На картинке семья рядом с машиной.Они ее дружно моют.Моя семья тоже имеет машину.Летом на ней мы ездим на дачу,а осенью в лес по грибы

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