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помогите плиз))срочно!!напишите 3 примера что делает спорт для человека!на английском..во вложении уже написанное

5-9 класс

казанчик 26 февр. 2015 г., 7:22:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 февр. 2015 г., 8:41:13 (9 лет назад)

Force and health!

Sports give confidence.

Raises working capacity, installs faith in the forces, cheers up, cures of stress.

Вот три примерра)


Другие вопросы из категории

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

They … a lot of useful contacts during their business trip to India.
made b. have made c. was making d. had made
We … completely satisfied as not all our requirements had been met.
didn’t be b. weren’t c. hadn’t been d. haven’t been
What … the managing director … you when you were in his office?
did; tell b. has; told c. had; told d. was; telling
He … to work at this time yesterday morning.
drove b. had driven c. was driving d. has been driving
Mrs. Smithson was furious. She … for her assistant for half an hour.
waited c. had waited
was waiting d. had been waiting
Mr. Wilson was preparing his presentation while his secretary … a report.
is typing c. was typing
has been typing d. had been typing
He … his grammar for two hours yesterday.
has been practising c. practised
was practising d. had been practising
I … about changing my present job for some time before I finally decided.
was thinking c. thought
had thought d. had been thinking
My boss was in despair. His documents … .
had disappeared c. have disappeared
disappeared d. were disappearing
After the Nickersons … the company, they … to make a lot of employees redundant.
bought; had started c. had bought; started
bought; started d. have bought; have started
We … a reliable firm, so we … Samsung.
were wanting; had chosen c. had wanted; chose
wanted; had chosen d. wanted; chose
I … the missing file while I … for some other documents.
found; was looking c. found; had looked
had found; looked d. was finding; was looking
Mr. Johnson … as an engineer for ten years before he … a supervisor.
works; has become c. worked; had become
had worked; became d. has been working; became
By that time she … any more explanation, she … everything.
hasn’t needed; understood c. didn’t need; understood
hadn’t needed; had understood d. didn’t need; had understood
When I met him last week, it was the first time we … each other since we … from the university.
have seen; graduated c. saw; had graduated
had seen; graduated d. didn’t see; had graduated

Вставить претяжательные местоимения в предложениях:

1.I sent Nick my photo and he sent me.....
2.We sent the Greens ..... photo and they sent...................
3.Mary sent her friend Anna___ photo and Anna sent Mary...
4.Rob and Harry sent you....... photo and you sent them......
5.Jane sent George........ photo and he sent her..........

Читайте также

Помогите плиз СРОЧНО!!!

Плиз СРОЧНО!!!)))))

отгадайте устойчивое выражение на английском языке,напишите его и его русский эквиалент: отсутствие звуков+глагол "ту би" в правильной

форме+прилагательное образованное от металла.На русском языке мне кажется что это:Молчание-золото.А на английском не знаю.Подскажите!

Очень срочно!!!! Помогите плиз*

Complete the sentences as in the example.
build buy have hear lear make
meet read see visit

Если что вот пример как делать: It's THE WORST (bad) game I HAVE EVER PLAYED.

1. It's.................................(wonderful) song I....................................

2. He's...............................(happy) child I...................................

3. It's..................................(interesting) book I.................................

4. It's..................................(beautiful) house he...............................

5.It's..................................(bad) party we................................

6. It's..................................(good) bike he......................................

7. It's..................................(tasty) cake I.....................................

8.It's..................................(difficult) word I......................................

9.It's..................................(good) hospital I................................

10.It's..................................(old) town she........................................

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