Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

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1-4 класс

They like apples.-Do they like apples?
1They like milk. ...............................milk?
2They take milk. ................................milk?
3They read books. .......................... books?
4They meet Peter. ...........................Peter?
5They visit him. ................................him?

Задайте общие вопросы
I like nuts.-Do you like nuts?
1 -I like honey.
2 I take bread.
3 I meet Mr Brown.
..........................Mr Brown?
4 I help Miss Green.
...........................Miss Green?
5 I live in the forest.
................................. in the forest?

Задайте общие вопросы

1 I am jn a farm. .......................on a farm?
2 I like ham. ...............................ham?
3 I'd like some ham. .................some ham?
4 I've got sdome ham. .................any ham?
5 I can visit the farm. .....................the farm?

Geygfhfhhfrf 27 окт. 2013 г., 8:17:09 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 окт. 2013 г., 9:54:29 (10 лет назад)

1-Do they like milk?
2-Do they take milk?
3-Do they read books?
4-Do they meet Peter?
5-Do they visit him?

1-Do you like honey?
2-Do you take bread?
3-Do you meet Mr Brown?
4-Do you help Miss Green?
5-Do you live in the forest?

1-Are you in a farm?
2-Do you like ham?
3-Would you like some ham?
4-Have you got some ham?
5-Can I visit the farm?


Другие вопросы из категории

Перевести текст:

Pete:So, is the party going well?
Pete: Is the party going well? is sounds as if everyone's having a great time.
Tess: Yeah, it's absolutely brilliant.
Pete: Well, a party for a gang of ten-year-olds isn't my idea of a good time. Are you all wearing costumes?
Tess: Yes. I'n wearing my witch costume and Chris is wearing his Frankenstein costume.
Pete: Oh, he's not wearing that old thing again!
Tess: Yeah, and he's terrifying everyone.
Pete: what kind of games are you playing? Are you bobbing for apples?
Tess: No. e're playing musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey. It's great fun.
Pete: What about food? What are you eating?
Tess: Well, i made a pumpkin pie and tofee apples and the kids are reale enjoying them so they're nearle all gone.
Pete: Oh, keep me one, please!
Tess: OK! Are you doing anything at the moment?
Pete: No, not reale.
Tess: Well, why don't you come over and help yourself to some toffee apples? Thfe party is nearly over anyway. Then, you can help mhe clean up!
Pete: I would do anything for a toffee apple! See you in ten minytes.

Перепишите предложения,используя выделенное слово

Тема: местоимение


Нужна загадка на английском языке про попугая уровня 2 класса

Помогите!!!! Нам с английским. Нужно вставить пропущеные слова. 1 Mother says: " Listen... me". 2 Goldilocks is a girl ... long golden curls. 3

Goldilocks is ... her way ... school.
4 Goldilocks takes a walk ... the woods. 5 Three bears live ... the wood.

Читайте также

Задайте общие вопросы.

1. They meet him. ....they.....him?
2.They live there. ....they.....there?
3.Нe lives there. .....he........there?
4.She lives there. ......she.......there?
5.They dance. ........they..........?

Задайте общие вопросы

1, He goes to school.
......................to school?
2 She plays the piano
.....................the piano?
3 He writes at school.
................at school.?
4 He rides a bike.
.................a bike?
5, It plays in the park.
...................in the park?

Добрый день,помогите нам с составление общих вопросов,заранее благадарю.

задайте общие вопросы

They like to run
They have got many toys
Kate wants to be a doctor
Her kitten is white
His cat has got five kittens
They play
They run
He plays
She runs
The dog plays
The bears are big
They have got many toys
He has got a friend
He is from Africa
They give the ball

задайте 5 вопросов к предложениям1 she

задайте 5 вопросов к предложениям
1 she can play the piano well
2 she is a nice girl

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