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Срочно ребята!!!:)!!!!!!

5-9 класс

Виктория19031998 01 дек. 2013 г., 15:39:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 дек. 2013 г., 16:51:21 (10 лет назад)

1. is doing

2. saw

3. decided

4. spend

5. did not give

 6. has not rained

7. is enjoying














Другие вопросы из категории


во множественном числе

Встав те Артиколь a/an/the или не чего.)

1.Who went to .... Bolshoi Theatre .... last Sunday?
2.Will you go to .... Malyi Theatre .... next Saturday?
3.Let's meet at .... half past 6. It will take us ..... quarter of ... hour to get to ... theatre.
4...... Children's Theatre is in .... centre of Moskow,isn't it?
5.You saw "Sleeping Beauty" at .... Bolshoi Theatre,didn't you?Did you like .... ballet?

Complete the sentences with a(an) or some.

1. Would you like _____ cup of coffee? - Yes, please.
2. I'm afraid, he has already got ______ information from the Internet.
3. I've found ____ money under the chair. Is it your money?
4. Would you like _____ apple or _____ orange?- No, thanks. Just _____ water, please.
5. On Christmas Eve, she left biscuits and ______ milk for Father Christmas.
6. I would like ______ glass of orange juice on the table.

Читайте также

Срочно ребята!! Решается судьба моей оценки за четверть.

In our family we care about nature . We think about reusing different things . We don't throw away _____________________________,we reuse _____________________, besides we recycle ____________________. We collect _________________ and take them to ___________________. More than that , we try to reduce _________. I think it helps to save nature. + перевод.


брат зачет сдает ,тут просто,но у меня времени нет ему делать,т.к. свой зачет сдаю

Составить слова из букв слова elephant

3 класс срочно ребята! Спасибо заранее очень срочнооо

Срочно, ребята спасайте, а то мне конец, пожалуйстаааа! Напишите про вашу любимую книгу, используя план:

1.What is it? (novel, play, etc)

2.When was it written?

3.Who wrote it?

4.What is the story about?

5.What are its main characters?

6.What impression has it made on you?


On Saturdays we usually clean our house. We sweep the pats in the garden. Then we have dinner together. After dinner we go to the zoo. I'm happy. I feed the ponies there, I giver them apples. They are happy. In the evening we watch TV. On Saturdays we visit our grandparents. Sometimes we have a picnic in there garden. We eat tasty meat and play with the dog.


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