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пожалуйста пусть выполнит тот .кто уверен вставить правильное слово из скобок. "Tomorrow we ...shopping ,"Father Elephant said. (go ,went ,will go.)

1-4 класс

There ...a lot of flowers in the park a week ago. (are , were , will be.) Alice didn't ...Tom and Tim at the party. (see , saw , sees.) Did he ... the flowers yesterday?-Yes, he did. (waters , water , watered,) Where does she.....? - In the park. (skates, skate , skated.) ВСТАВИТЬ ПРОПУЩЕННЫЕ СЛОВА И ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ, только не через гугл переводчик

Marinalite15 06 февр. 2015 г., 8:32:28 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 февр. 2015 г., 9:52:26 (9 лет назад)

1. Tomorrow we will go shopping, Father Elephant said (Завтра мы пойдем по магазинам, Сказал отец Элефант)

2.There were a lot of flowers in the park a week ago (Там было много цветов неделю назад)


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Пожалуйста пусть выполнит тот ,кто уверен. раскрыть скобки,поставить прилагательные в сравнительную или превосходную степень. Перевести текст

,только не через гугл

1) The blue scaf is ......than the green scarf.(warm)

2) I think yhe blue jeans are the ....... . (good)

3) Look! The red T-shirt is ..... than the yellow T-shirt. (small)

4) Mag's dress is the .....( beautiful) .

5) This black umbrella is the ..... .(bad)

Вставить пропущенное слово: some ,any , no .

1) Have you got ...... apples?


Помогите пожалуйста сделать английский 3 класс.Нужно вписать правильно слова в предложения.We have got a lot of nice envelopes,..... stamps,.....

writing paper,...... postcards,....... pens and ......... posters.Слова,которые надо вставить:new,blue and pink,black and blue,Christmas,a lot of

пожалуйста,помогите вставить правильно слова

1)It....now.(is rain.is raining.rains.)
2)......friends will help us.(the Black's.Blacks.The Blacks')
3)The ....house is nice.(fox's.foxes's.foxes)
4)Your brother is.....a white shirt isn't he?(wear.wears.wearing)
5)It doesn't often .....here.(snow.snows.snowing)
6)He usually...... his homework in the afternoon.(do.does.is doing)
7)He .......his homework now.(do.does.is doing)
8)........the question?(She asked.Was she ask.Did she ask)
9)Who ......to go to the park?(want.does want.wants)
10)Her mother's uncle lives in Africa ........?(doesn't she.doesn't he.isn't he)

Помогите пожалуйста! Выберите правильное слово: Where does she ...? -In the park. a)skates b)skate c)skated

Вставь пропущенные слова: some, any, no.
1)-Would you like ___ apple juice? -Yes, please. I'd love ___.
2)-Have you got ___ apples? -No, sorry. I haven't got ___ apples. But I have got ___ oranges. -I'm afraid, i don't want ___ oranges. I would like apples.
3)-Mad, is there ___ bread at home? -No, there is ___ bread at home. -I hope you'll go and buy some.

Помогите вставить глаголы в правильной форме из скобок

(He likes singing songs. The like singing songs)
Hi! I"m George. I(O) Like playing ping-pong, My mother (1)_____________the piano.
Our cat Snowball(2)________________the trees.
Winnie the Pooh(3) ___________songs.
Neznaika(4) _______________tales about his friends.
The Fox and the Dog(5)________________tricks.
The dog(6) ___________the Fox

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