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Use the articles A or The where necessary.

1-4 класс

1) What is ............... best way to get from ................ Kremlin to .............. Cathedral of Christ the Saviour ?
2) How long did it take you to get from ..............Red Square to .............. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts ?
3) ..................... Browns got to .................. Teatralnaya Square on .............. foot to see .............. Bolshoi Teatre .
4) It doesn`t take you long to get to .................. Moskva-river

егоркрутой 22 апр. 2013 г., 15:16:33 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2013 г., 18:03:34 (11 лет назад)

what is the  best way


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Помогите пожалуйста!!!!Тот же текст. Ответить на вопросы:What animals were there?What color was the clowns' hair?Was Bill happy? I was at the cir

cus yesterday.It was fun!There were lots of animals there:elephants,seals,monkeys and lions.There were two funny clowns too!Their hair were and their their hats were orange.I was very happy!

Пожалуйста помогите мне понимать часы, дайте правило и скажите как будет

Пол седьмого , 8 часов 15 минут, 10 часов 40 минут ( без 20ати 11) 3 часа 10 минут , 5 часов .. На английском )

Выбери и обведи нужную форму глагола.

Example: I often

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Write the sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. Kim ________( get up ) at 7 o'clock every day.
2. Look! Alex ________(play) football on the sportsground now.
3. I can't do it now. I ________(have) my dinner.
4. Yes, we _______(read) an interesting story at the moment.

Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitives in brackets: 1) Margot (to go) to the door and (to lock) it, and (to return) with

the key. 2) He sighed again and again, like one who (to escape) from danger. 3)Then I (to search) for a piece of paper and a pencil, and I (to write) a message for the maid. 4) He (to make) tea and (to eat) the biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen (to bring) him. 5) Ansell (to give) an angry sigh, and at that moment there (to be) a tap on the door. 6) When the cinema ( to be) over they ( to go) for a walk across the dark, damp fields. 7) The door (to open). A tall young woman (to stand) framed in the light that (to fall) from the passage. 8) Cassie (to spend) the night at home, and on entered the dining-room (to glance) at the space above the fire. 9) He (to walk) about our sitting-room all afternoon, murmuring to himself. 10) It (to be) all so sudden that for a moment no one ( to know) what (to happen). 11) He (to tell) me that they (to be) at the same public school and (to be) friends ever since. 12) At the age of seventy-four he (to be) excited as a boy about his expedition. 13) Near the door he (to see) the man he (to notice) at the station. 14) The house (to be) much smaller than he (to think) at first.

Задание:Write the sentences.Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. __________________________________________________ 1,Kim____(get up)at 7

o'clock every day. 2.Look!Alex___ (play) football on the sportsground now. 3.i can't do it now.I___________(have) my dinner. 4.yes we___(read)an interesting story at the moment.

Complete the dialogues.Use the words:some or any.Act out the dialogues.//Mum:Mag,what would you like for breakfast?/Mag:...cornflakes with milk./Mum:I

am sorry,there isn't...milk today.I hope you'll go and buy... ./Mag:Of course,Mum.But now I'd like a toast,...jam and a cup of tea./Mrs Wilson:Jason,is there...jam in the jar?/Jason:I am afraid not,Granny.But there is...porridge on the plate./Father:Is there...coffee?/Mother:No,there isn't...coffee.There is...tea./Father:Then give me...tea,please. Заранее спасибо.

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