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вставь пропущенные буквы в рассказ олега Hello! I'm Oleg. This year I am in the 1) from. I can't 2) that I don't like school. On holidays I 3) my school

1-4 класс

parties. When the school year 4) , we usually have some new 5) in our timetable. First, they are very 6) . We get smarter and 7) new things. There are two things I don't like - 8) and school uniform. They are 9) , I think.
слова которые нужно вставить : Learn, say, miss, starts, subjects, homerwork, dull, intresting, fifth. Очень нужно срочно, помогите плиииз))))

КараДелевинь 22 апр. 2014 г., 21:39:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2014 г., 22:22:05 (10 лет назад)

1 Fifth
2 Say
3 Miss
4 Starts
5 Subjects
6 Interesting
7 Learn
8 Homework
9 Dull


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Вставь Who? Why? When? What? Where? или How many ? в предложениях :

... did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up eraly?

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Last Saturday my father,mother,my brother and me (I) went to visit our Granny.She lives in the country not far from our town.She has got a little but very comfortable house.There is a living room,a bedroom,a kitchen,a pantry and a toilet in it.There are a lot of trees and flowers behind the house.And my Granny has got a cat.His name is Tim.On Saturday Granny told us an interesting story about her favorite cat.
One day Granny went to visit her friends.She took Tim in her car.When they came to her friends" house,Tim didn"t like it.And he ran away.Granny didn"t catch him.And she was very sad.
Tim didn"t know the road.He tried to ask people.But his questions were:"mew-mew".People didn"t know what to answer him.The cat was hungry and tired and people gave him some milk and water.
The friends" village was next to Granny"s.But the road was very long for a little cat.Tim ran on day and night.His feet became very tired.Tim felt worse and worse.But suddenly he saw Granny"s house.He sat next to the door and said:"Mew-mew,I am here".Granny opened the door.She was happy to have such a smart cat.

используйте глаголы в present indefinite tense и перевести предложения:

1. They simply (to mean) they cannot satisfy everyne's wants.
2. When they say something (to be) scarce they mean that there (tobe) not enough of it.
3. Scarcity (to exist)in all countries, both and poor.
4. Very many wants (not to be) unlimited.
5.Our wants (not to be)unimited.
6. We (to see) that insome countries people are generally well off.
7.It (toseem) very strande that economists say this.

Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.Например Jim has got a new computer.- Who has got a new computer?

1.Billy likes ice cream and sweets. - ...............
2.The postcard ii from England.- Where is .............
3. In spring they visit their grandma.- Wheh do .............

Painting .-have или has

Читайте также

вставь пропущенные слова some, any, no . -Would you like......apple juice ? -Yes, please. I'd love........ . -No, sorry . I haven't got ...... apples.

But I have got ......... oranges . - I'm afraid,I don't want...... oranges. I would like apples. -Mag , is there ..... bread at home ? -No, there is .....bread at home. -I hope you'll go and buy some. вставить пропущенные слова и перевести текст

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